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Release Notes

v0.2.6 (2024-07-08)

New Features
  • FFdecoder:
    • Introduced a new optional -disable_ffmpeg_window boolean parameter.
      • 💬 Prevents the FFmpeg command line window from appearing by applying the DETACHED_PROCESS flag to the subprocess FFmpeg pipeline when building .exe files on Windows in silent (verbose=False) mode.
  • Sourcer:
    • Added new parameters to metadata to accurately display video orientation.
      • Added source_video_orientation parameter (default 0.0).
      • Added output_orientation parameter (default 0.0).
  • FFHelper:
    • Added support for SRTP/RTSPS in is_valid_url function.
      • Enhanced is_valid_url method to support both RTP/RTSP and SRTP/RTSPS protocols.
      • 💬 SRTP/RTSPS extends RTSP/RTP to encrypt video/audio data using ciphers like AES with a 128-bit key.
  • Core:
    • Added official support for Python 3.11.x legacies.
      • Added Python-3.11 support across CI/CD configurations.
      • Added Python-3.11 to metadata.
  • Docs:
    • Added context and detailed instructions for Input and Output Seeking methods.
      • Introduced Input Seeking and Output Seeking sections with pros, cons, and usage examples.
      • Added warning about using output seeking with filters for accuracy.
    • Added new tables markdown extension for improved table formatting.
    • Added documentation for the new optional -disable_ffmpeg_window boolean parameter.
    • Added unrecognized_links: ignore to mkdocs.yml to minimize logging during validation.
    • Added new features to mkdocs.yml related to navigation, content, and toc.
  • FFdecoder:
    • Changed process termination from kill() to terminate() if the process is still running, to ensure graceful shutdown.
      • 💬 The terminate() method sends the SIGTERM signal to a process, which typically allows for a graceful shutdown. On Unix, this uses the SIGTERM signal, while on Windows, it uses TerminateProcess().
  • FFhelper:
    • Improved regex pattern in get_supported_demuxers method.
      • Simplified regex search for demuxers and handled multi-line output correctly.
      • Improved output extraction logic to handle commas within demuxer names.
  • Sourcer:
    • Updated extract_resolution_framerate method to also return video orientation.
      • Added new regex pattern and filter for accurate video orientation extraction.
  • Setup:
    • Updated patch for long_description.
    • Bumped version to 0.2.6.
  • Maintenance:
    • Refactored logging messages and code comments for better readability and maintainability.
    • Simplified conditional check using short-circuiting.
  • Docs:
    • Updated mkdocs.yml to improve overall documents structure and readability
      • Set the default version of the documentation to 'latest'.
      • Set edit_uri for GitHub edit links to facilitate easier contributions.
      • Replaced deprecated materialx with supported extensions emoji generator.
      • Enhanced the active tab fonts with font-weight: bold in custom.css.
      • Updated LinkedIn URL.
      • Removed Twitter section from help and site metadata.
      • Migrated to Google Analytics 4.
      • Enabled line_spans: __span and pygments_lang_class: true parameters in pymdownx.highlight markdown extension.
      • Enabled normalize_issue_symbols: true in pymdownx.magiclink markdown extension.
    • Updated the Zenodo badges and the BibTeX entry to reflect recent changes.
    • Included GitHub sponsors in FUNDING.yml.
    • Removed deprecated Gitter community chat sidecard.
  • CI:
    • Updated paths to ignore additional files and types in CI/CD Pipelines and Codecov:
      • Included *.html, *.js, *.css, mkdocs.yml, to ignore list.
    • Changed runner from ubuntu-latest to ubuntu-20.04 in GitHub Actions.
    • Updated dependencies in docs_deployer.yml for better readability.
    • Modified Mike deploy commands to use --alias-type=copy instead of deprecated --no-redirect.
    • Removed unsupported darwin platform from test_FFdecoder_params test.
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • Core:
    • ☠ Ended support for Python 3.7.x legacies.
      • Increased python_requires to 3.8 and above in
      • Removed Python 3.7 from metadata.
      • Removed Python 3.7 support from CI/CD pipelines.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Fixed regex expression bugs in get_supported_demuxers method.
  • CI:
    • Fixed Assertion error with WriteGear API.
Pull Requests



v0.2.5 (2023-01-11)

New Features
  • FFdecoder:
    • Added OpenCV compatibility patch for YUV pixel-formats.
      • Implemented new patch for handling YUV pixel-formats(such as YUV420p, yuv444p, NV12, NV21 etc.) for exclusive compatibility with OpenCV APIs.
        • Note: Only YUV pixel-formats starting with YUV and NV are currently supported.
      • Added new -enforce_cv_patch boolean attribute for enabling OpenCV compatibility patch.
  • Sourcer:
    • Added Looping Video support.
      • Now raw-frame numbers revert to null(None) whenever any looping is defined through filter(such as -filter_complex "loop=loop=3:size=75:start=25") or prefix("-ffprefixes":["-stream_loop", "3"]).
  • Docs:
    • Added YUV frames example code for Capturing and Previewing BGR frames from a video file recipe.
    • Added YUV frames example code for `Transcoding video using OpenCV VideoWriter API recipe.
    • Added YUV frames example code for `Transcoding lossless video using WriteGear API recipe.
    • Added new CUVID-accelerated Hardware-based Video Decoding and Previewing recipe.
    • Added new CUDA-accelerated Hardware-based Video Decoding and Previewing recipe.
    • Added new CUDA-accelerated Video Transcoding with OpenCV`s VideoWriter API recipe.
    • Added new CUDA-NVENC-accelerated Video Transcoding with WriteGear API recipe both for consuming BGR and NV12 frames.
    • Added new CUDA-NVENC-accelerated End-to-end Lossless Video Transcoding with WriteGear API recipe which is still WIP(💬confirmed with a GIF from tenor).
    • Added new Capturing and Previewing frames from a Looping Video recipe using -stream_loop option and loop filter.
    • Added docs for -enforce_cv_patch boolean attribute in ffparam dictionary parameter.
    • Added new python dependency block for recipes.
    • Reflected new OpenCV compatibility patch for YUV pixel-formats in code.
    • Added new content.code.copy and features.
  • FFhelper:
    • Replaced depreciating Retry API from requests.packages with requests.adapters.
  • Maintenance:
    • Replaced links with GitLab and GH links.
    • Removed unused code.
    • Updated log message.
  • CI:
    • Updated test_FFdecoder_params unittest to include with statement access method.
    • Updated test_frame_format test to include -enforce_cv_patch boolean attribute.
    • Updated test_source to test looping video support.
  • Setup:
    • Removed unused imports and patches.
    • Bumped version to 0.2.5.
  • Docs:
    • Updated Limitation: Bottleneck in Hardware-Accelerated Video Transcoding performance with Real-time Frame processing passage.
    • Updated and corrected docs hyperlinks in and
    • Update Zenodo Badge and BibTex entry.
    • Updated banner image URLs.
    • Updated md-typeset text font size to .75rem.
    • Updated text and admonitions.
    • Updated recipe assumptions.
    • Updated GIF URLs.
    • Updated abstract text in recipes.
    • Updated
    • Updated recipe code.
    • Removed old recipes.
Pull Requests



v0.2.4 (2022-10-07)

New Features
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Implemented new comprehensive support for both discarding key default FFmpeg parameters from Decoding pipeline simply by assigning them null string values, and concurrently using values extracted from Output Stream metadata properties (available only when FFmpeg filters are defined) for formulating pipelines.
      • Added null string value support to -framerate and -custom_resolution attributes, as well as frame_format parameter for easily discarding them.
      • Re-Implemented calculation of rawframe pixel-format.
        • Reconfigured default rawframe pixel-format, Now rawframe pixel-format will always default to source_video_pixfmt with frame_format="null".
        • Now with frame_format parameter value either "null" or invalid or undefined, rawframe pixel-format value is taken from output_frames_pixfmt metadata property extracted from Output Stream (available only when filters are defined). If valid output_video_resolution metadata property is found then it defaults to default pixel-format(calculated variably).
        • With frame_format="null", -pix_fmt FFmpeg parameter will not be added to Decoding pipeline.
      • Re-Implemented calculation of rawframe resolution value.
        • Now with -custom_resolution dictionary attribute value either "null" or invalid or undefined, rawframe resolution value is first taken from output_video_resolution metadata property extracted from Output Stream (available only when filters are defined), next from source_video_resolution metadata property(extracted from Input Source Stream). If neither output_video_resolution nor source_video_resolution valid metadata properties are found then RuntimeError is raised.
        • With -custom_resolution dictionary attribute value "null", -s/-size FFmpeg parameter will not be added to Decoding pipeline.
      • Re-Implemented calculation of output framerate value.
        • Now with -framerate dictionary attribute either null or invalid or undefined, output framerate value is first taken from output_video_framerate metadata property extracted from Output Stream (available only when filters are defined), next from source_video_framerate metadata property(extracted from Input Source Stream). If neither output_video_resolution nor source_video_framerate valid metadata properties are found then RuntimeError is raised.
        • With -framerate dictionary attribute value "null", -r/-framerate FFmpeg parameter will not be added to Decoding pipeline.
    • Implemented passing of simple -vf filters, complex -filter_complex filters, and pre-headers(via -ffprefixes) directly to Sourcer API's sourcer_params parameter for probing Output Stream metadata and filter values.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Implemented new comprehensive approach to handle source_demuxer parameter w.r.t different source parameter values.
      • The source_demuxer parameter now accepts "auto" as its value for enabling Index based Camera Device Capture feature in Sourcer API.
      • Sourcer API auto-enforces source_demuxer="auto" by default, whenever a valid device index (uses validate_device_index method for validation) is provided as its source parameter value.
        • ⚠️ Sourcer API will throw Assertion error if source_demuxer="auto" is provided explicitly without a valid device index at its source parameter.
      • Source API now accepts all +ve and -ve device indexes (e.g. -1,0,1,2 etc.) to its source parameter, both as in integer and string of integer types as source in Index based Camera Device Capture feature.
        • Sourcer API imports and utilizes extract_device_n_demuxer() method for discovering and extracting all Video-Capture device(s) name/path/index present on system.
          • ⚠️ Sourcer API will throw RuntimeError on failure to identify any device.
        • Sourcer API auto verifies that the specified source device index is in range of the devices discovered.
          • ⚠️ Sourcer API will raise ValueError if value goes out of valid range.
        • Sourcer API also automatically handle -ve indexes if specified within the valid range.
        • Implemented patch to auto-add video= suffix to selected device name before using it as video source on Windows OSes.
        • Added patch for handling dictionary of devices paths(with devices names as values) and log messages on Linux Oses.
        • Added copy import for shallow copying various class parameters.
      • Implemented new Support for additional FFmpeg parameters and Output metadata.
        • Added three new metadata properties: output_video_resolution, output_video_framerate, output_frames_pixfmt for handling extracted Output Stream values, whenever additional FFmpeg parameters(such as FFmpeg filters) are defined.
        • Added support for auto-handling additional FFmpeg parameters defined by sourcer_params dictionary parameters.
        • Implement new separate pipeline for parsing Output Stream metadata by decoding video source using null muxer for few microseconds whenever additional FFmpeg parameters(such as -vf filters) are defined by the user.
        • Included new metadata_output internal parameter for holding Output Stream metadata splitted from original Sourcer Metadata extracted from new pipeline.
        • Included new output_video_resolution, output_video_framerate, output_frames_pixfmt internal parameters for metadata properties, whenever Output Stream Metadata available.
        • Added new extract_output boolean parameter to extract_video_pixfmt and extract_resolution_framerate internal methods for extracting output pixel-format, framerate and resolution using Output Stream metadata instead of Sourcer Metadata, whenever available.
      • Added tuple datatype to sourcer_params exception.
      • Added dict2Args import.
    • Added enumerate_devices property object to enumerate all probed Camera Devices connected to a system names along with their respective "device indexes" or "camera indexes" as python dictionary.
    • Added new force_retrieve_missing parameter to retrieve_metadata() method for returning metadata missing in current Pipeline as (metadata, metadata_missing) tuple value instead of just metadata, when force_retrieve_missing=True.
    • Added various output stream metadata properties that are only available when additional FFmpeg parameters(such as filters) are defined manually, by assigning them counterpart source stream metadata property values
  • FFhelper:
    • Implemented new extract_device_n_demuxer() method for discovering and extracting all Video-Capture device(s) name/path/index present on system and supported by valid OS specific FFmpeg demuxer.
      • Added support for three OS specific FFmpeg demuxers: namely dshow for Windows, v4l2 for Linux, and avfoundation for Darwin/Mac OSes.
      • Implemented separate code for parsing outputs of python subprocess module outputs provided with different commands for discovering all Video-Capture devices present on system.
        • Processed dshow (on Windows) and avfoundation (on Darwin) demuxers in FFmpeg commands with -list_devices true parameters using subprocess module and applied various brute-force pattern matching on its output for discovering and extracting all devices names/indexes.
        • Used v4l2-ctl submodule command on Linux machines for listing all Video-Capture devices using subprocess module and applied various brute-force pattern matching on its output for discovering and extracting all devices names and true system /dev/video paths.
          • Added patch for a single device with multiple /dev/video paths (each for metadata, video, controls), where it iterates on each path to find the exact path that contains valid video stream.
          • Added elaborated checks for catching all possible system errors that can occur while running v4l2-ctl submodule command.
          • The method will return discovered devices as list of dictionaries with device paths(/dev/video) as keys and respective device name as the values, instead of default list of device names.
          • Added patch for handling Linux specific log messages.
      • Added various logging messages to notify users about all discover devices names/paths w.r.t indexes.
      • ⚠️ The extract_device_n_demuxer method will raise RuntimeError if it fails to identify any device.
      • Added various checks to assert invalid input parameters and unsupported OSes.
      • Added machine_OS parameter to specify OS running on the system, must be value of platform.system() module. If invalid the method will raise ValueError.
  • Utilities:
    • Added new new validate_device_index() method to verify if given device index is valid or not?
      • Only Integers or String of integers are valid indexes.
      • Returns a boolean value, confirming whether valid(If true), or not(If False).
    • Added checks to support all +ve and -ve integers, both as integer and string types.
  • Docs:
    • Added new validate_device_index() method and its parameters description.
    • Added new extract_device_n_demuxer() method and its parameters description.
    • Added Decoding Camera Devices using Indexes support docs.
      • Added doc for Decoding Camera Devices using Indexes.
        • Added Enumerating all Camera Devices with Indexes example doc with code.
        • Added Capturing and Previewing frames from a Camera using Indexes example doc with code.
      • Added Camera Device Index support docs to FFdecoder and Sourcer API params.
  • CI:
    • Added check exception for mandelbrot virtual source in Sourcer API's test_probe_stream_n_retrieve_metadata unittest.
    • Added new test_discard_n_filter_params unittest for test recently added supported for both discarded parameters and filter values.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Extended range of supported output frame pixel-formats.
      • Added new pixel-formats to supported group by extending raw bits-per-component range.
    • Simplified raw frame dtype calculation based on selected pixel-format.
      • output_frames_pixfmt metadata property(if available) will be overridden to rgb24.
    • Replaced continue with break in generateFrame() method.
    • Improved handling of frame_format parameter.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Simplified JSON formatting and returning values logic.
    • Updated logging messages text and position.
    • Removed redundant variable definitions.
    • Changed related internal variable names w.r.t metadata property names.
    • Replaced os_windows internal parameter with machine_OS, and changed its input from to more flexible platform.system().
    • Removed source_extension internal parameter and assigned values directly.
  • FFhelper:
    • Implemented more robust pattern matching for Linux machines.
    • Updated logs in check_sp_output() method for improving error output message.
    • Implemented "Cannot open device" v4l2-ctl command Error logs.
  • Maintenance:
    • Bumped version to 0.2.4.
    • Updated code comments.
  • CI:
    • Updated FFdecoder API's test_camera_capture unittest to test new Index based Camera Device Capturing on different platforms.
      • Added various parametrize source and source_demuxer parameter data to attain maximum coverage.
      • Added result field to fail and xfail unittest according to parametrize data provided on different platforms.
      • Removed pytest.mark.skipif to support all platforms.
    • Added and updated various parametrize test data to attain maximum coverage.
    • Limited range of extracted frames, for finishing tests faster.
    • Updated unittests to reflect recent name changes.
    • Disabled capturing of stdout/stderr with -s flag in pytest.
  • Setup:
    • Updated description metadata.
  • Bash Script:
    • Created undeleteable undelete.txt file for testing on Linux envs.
    • Updated undelete.txt file path.
    • Made FFmpeg output less verbose.
  • Docs:
    • Updated FFdecoder API params docs w.r.t recent changes and supported for both discarded parameters and filter values.
      • Added new admonitions to explain handling of "null" and (special-case), undefined, or invalid type values in various parameters/attributes.
      • Added new footer reference explaining the handling of Default pixel-format for frame_format parameter.
      • Added missing docs for -default_stream_indexes ffparams attribute.
    • Added docs for recently added additional FFmpeg parameter in Sourcer API's sourcer_params parameter.
      • Removed unsupported -custom_resolution sourcer_params attributes from sourcer_params parameter docs.
      • Removed redundant -vcodec and -framerate attributes from sourcer_params parameter docs.
    • Updated both basic and advanced project Index hyperlinks.
    • Moved doc from basic to advanced directory.
    • Updated page navigation in mkdocs.yml.
    • Update announcement bar to feature Index based Camera Device Capture support.
    • Updated Project description and Key features of DeFFcode.
    • Updated with latest information.
    • Updated source and source_demuxer param doc.
    • Updated Hardware-Acceleration docs.
      • Updated Hardware-Accelerated Video Decoding and Transcoding docs to inform users about DeFFcode generated YUV frames not yet supported by OpenCV and its APIs.
    • Updated recipes docs to reflect recent changes in APIs.
    • Updated parameter docs to reflect recent name changes.
    • Updated parameters/attributes introductory descriptions.
    • Updated various parametrize data to attain maximum coverage.
    • Updated Zenodo badge and the BibTeX entry.
    • Updated method description texts and logging messages.
    • Update title headings, icons and admonition messages.
    • Updated code comments.
    • Updated
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • API:
    • ☠ Implemented new Index based Camera Device Capture feature (Similar to OpenCV), where the user just have to assign device index as integer (-n to n-1) in source parameter of DeFFcode APIs to directly access the given input device in few seconds.
  • FFdecoder API
    • ☠ Unsupported dtype pixel-format always defaults to rgb24.
  • Sourcer API:
    • ☠ Renamed output_video_resolution metadata property to output_frames_resolution.
    • ☠ Renamed output_video_framerate metadata property to output_framerate.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Removed redundant dummy value for output_frames_pixfmt metadata property.
    • Fixed critical KeyError bug arises due to missing output metadata properties.
      • Enforced force_retrieve_missing parameter in Sourcer API's retrieve_metadata() method for returning metadata missing in current Pipeline as (metadata, metadata_missing) tuple value instead of just metadata.
      • Added new missing_prop internal class variable for handling metadata properties missing, received from Sourcer API.
      • Moved ffdecoder_operational_mode to missing metadata properties that cannot be updated but are read only.
      • Added missing metadata properties to metadata class property object for easy printing along with other metadata information.
      • Implemented missing metadata properties updation via. overridden metadata class property object.
        • Added counterpart_prop dict to handle all counterpart source properties for each missing output properties.
        • Implemented missing output properties auto-updation w.r.t counterpart source property.
        • Added separate case for handling only missing metadata properties and notifying user about counterpart source properties.
    • Fixed source metadata properties update bug causing non-existential missing metadata properties to be added to source metadata properties dictionary along with source metadata property.
      • Replaced update() calling on value dict directly with explicitly assigning values to source metadata properties dictionary.
      • Simplified missing_prop validation.
      • Removed unwanted continue in middle of loop.
    • Remove unusable exclusive yuv frames patch.
    • Fixed KeyError bug arises due to wrong variable placement.
    • Fixed approx_video_nframes metadata property check.
    • Fixed av_interleaved_write_frame(): broken pipe warning bug by switching process.terminate() with process.kill().
    • Fixed AttributeError bug caused due to typo in logger.
  • FFhelper:
    • Fixed check_sp_output() method returning Standard Error (stderr) even when Nonetype.
    • Fixed logger requiring utf-8 decoding.
    • Fixed missing force_retrieve_stderr argument to check_sp_output in extract_device_n_demuxer method on Linux platforms.
    • Fixed logger message bug.
  • Utils:
    • Fixed logger name typo.
  • Maintenance:
    • Fixed hyperlinks to new GitHub's form schemas.
    • Fixed typos in logs messages.
    • Removed redundant code.
    • Updated code comments.
  • Setup:
    • Rearranged long_description patches to address unused patch bug.
  • Bash Script:
    • Fixed chattr: No such file or directory bug.
  • CI:
    • Fixed missing lavfi demuxer for mandelbrot virtual source in Sourcer API's test_probe_stream_n_retrieve_metadata unittest.
    • Fixed missing ffparams parameter bug in test_discard_n_filter_params() unittest.
    • Fixed test_camera_capture test.
    • Removed redundant similar ValueError checks.
    • Fixed typo in pytest arguments.
    • Fixed missing arguments.
  • Docs:
    • Fixed invalid hyperlinks in
    • Fixed bad formatting and context.
    • Fixed typos in code comments.
    • Fixed several typos in docs.
Pull Requests



v0.2.3 (2022-08-11)

New Features
  • Docs:
    • Added Zenodo Bibtex entry and badge in docs for easy citation.
    • Added new <div> tag bounding-box style to the Static FFmpeg binary download links in FFmpeg Installation Doc for better accessibility.
  • Maintenance:
    • Switched to new Issue GitHub's form schema using YAML:
      • Added new bug_report.yaml Issue GitHub's form schema for Bug Reports.
      • Added new idea.yaml Issue GitHub's form schema for new Ideas.
      • Added new question.yaml Issue GitHub's form schema for Questions.
      • Deleted old depreciated markdown(.md) files.
      • Polished forms.
  • Maintenance:
    • Added new patterns to .gitignore to ignore vim files.
  • CI:
    • Updated test_FFdecoder_params unittest to include with statement access method.
  • Setup:
    • Added new patches for using text as long_description metadata.
      • Implemented new patch to remove GitHub README UI specific text.
    • Simplified multiple str.replace to chained str.replace of better readability.
    • Bumped version to 0.2.3.
  • Docs:
    • Updated recipes to include with statement access method.
      • Updated existing recipes to include with statement access method in FFdecoder APIs.
      • Included new example code of accessing RGB frames using with statement access method.
      • Updated Recipe title to "Accessing RGB frames from a video file" across docs.
    • Included warning admonition for advising users to always use trim with reverse filter.
    • Updated docs text font to Libre Franklin.
    • Updated method description texts and logging messages.
    • Update icons and admonition messages.
    • Updated code comments.
    • Updated
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Fixed Context Manager methods.
      • Fixed __enter__ method returning class instance instead of formulating pipeline.
      • Fixed __exit__ method calling wrong non-existent method.
  • Setup:
    • Fixed missing comma(,) in keywords metadata.
    • Fixed bug in patch string.
  • Docs:
    • Fixed typos in code comments.
    • Fixed several typos in docs.
Pull Requests



v0.2.2 (2022-08-09)

New Features
  • Sourcer API:
    • Added support for -ffprefixes attribute through Sourcer API's sourcer_param dictionary parameter (similar to FFdecoder API).
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Added new output_frames_pixfmt metadata property to preview and handle output frames pixel-format.
  • Docs:
    • Added separate "Basic" and "Advanced" Recipes markdowns files with self-explanatory text, related usage code, asset (such as images, diagrams, GIFs, etc.), and UI upgrades for bringing standard quality to visual design.
    • Added separate for Basic and Advanced Recipes with introductory text and curated hyperlinks for quick references to various recipes (separated with sub-categories "Decoding", "Transcoding", and "Extracting Video Metadata").
    • Added related admonitions to specify python dependencies as well as other requirements and relevant information required for each of these recipes.
    • Added new Basic Decoding Recipes:
      • Added Decoding Video files with various pixel formats recipes.
      • Added Decoding Live Feed Devices recipes with source_demuxer FFdecoder API parameter.
      • Added Decoding Image sequences recipes supporting Sequential, Glob pattern , Single (looping) image.
      • Added Decoding Network Streams recipes.
    • Added new Basic Transcoding Recipes:
      • Added Transcoding Live frames recipes with OpenCV and WriteGear.
      • Added Transcoding Live Simple Filtergraphs recipes with OpenCV.
      • Added Saving Key-frames as Image recipes with different image processing libraries.
    • Added new Basic Extracting Video Metadata Recipes:
      • Added Extracting Video Metadata recipes with FFdecoder and Sourcer APIs.
    • Added new Advanced Decoding Recipes:
      • Added Hardware-Accelerated Video Decoding recipe using NVIDIA's H.264 CUVID Video-decoder(h264_cuvid).
      • Added Decoding Live Virtual Sources recipes with many test patterns using lavfi input virtual device.
    • Added new Advanced Decoding Recipes:
      • Added lossless Hardware-Accelerated Video Transcoding recipe with WriteGear API.
      • Added Transcoding Live Complex Filtergraphs recipes with WriteGear API.
      • Added Transcoding Video Art with Filtergraphs recipes with WriteGear API for creating real-time artistic generative video art using simple and complex filtergraphs.
    • Added new Advanced Updating Video Metadata Recipes:
      • Added Updating Video Metadata recipes with user-defined as well as source metadata in FFdecoder API.
    • Added new dark and light theme logo support.
    • Added new recipes GIF assets to gifs folder.
    • Added new dark logo deffcode-dark.png asset to images folder.
    • Added new ffdecoder.png and sourcer.png Image assets to images folder.
    • Added new navigation.tabs feature.
    • Added Material Announcement-Bar notifying recent changes.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Implemented new validation checks to ensure given source has usable video stream available by checking availability of either video bitrate or both frame-size and framerate_ properties in the source metadata.
    • Improved extract_resolution_framerate method for making framerate extraction more robust by falling back to extracting TBR value when no framerate value available in the source metadata.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Updated metadata property object to validate and override source metadata properties directly by overloading same property object before formulating Frames Decoder Pipeline:
      • Implemented validation checks to verify each validate manually assigned source metadata property against specific datatype before overriding.
      • Updated logging to notify invalid datatype values when assigned through metadata property object.
      • Added support for overriding source_video_resolution source metadata property to control frame-size directly through metadata.
      • Added support for overriding output_frames_pixfmt metadata attribute to be used as default pixel-format, when frame_format parameter value is None-type.
      • Improved handling of source metadata keys in metadata property object.
    • Updated metadata property object to handle and assign User-defined metadata directly by overloading the same property object:
      • Added new internal user_metadata class variable to handle all User-defined metadata information separately.
      • FFdecoder API's metadata property object now returns User-defined metadata information merged with Source Video metadata.
      • Added tuple value warning log to notify users json module converts Python tuples to JSON lists.
    • Improved logic to test validity of -custom_resolution attribute value through ffparams dictionary parameter.
    • Improved handling of FFmpeg pipeline framerate with both user-defined and metadata defined values.
    • Added tuple to exception in datatype check for ffparams dictionary parameter.
    • Added datatype validation check for frame_format parameter.
    • Improved handling of -framerate parameter.
  • Maintenance:
    • Reformatted all Core class and methods text descriptions:
      • Rewritten introductory each API class description.
      • Moved reference block from to class description.
      • Fixed missing class and methods parameter description.
      • Fixed typos and context in texts.
      • Reformatted code comments.
    • Simplified for loop with if condition checking in metadata property object.
    • Updated logging comments.
  • Setup:
    • Updated project description in metadata.
    • Bumped version to 0.2.2.
  • Docs:
    • Updated Introduction doc:
      • Added new text sections such as "Getting Started", "Installation Notes", "Recipes a.k.a Examples" and "API in a nutshell".
      • Rewritten Introduction( with recent Information, redefined context, UI changes, updated recipe codes, curated hyperlinks to various recipes(separated with categories), and relatable GIFs.
      • Updated spacing in using spacer class within <div> tag and &nbsp;.
      • Reformatted and centered DeFFcode Introductory description.
      • Reformatted FFmpeg Installation doc and Issue & PR guidelines.
      • Updated static FFmpeg binaries download URLs in FFmpeg Installation doc.
      • Refashioned text contexts, icons, and recipes codes.
      • Updated Key Features section with reflecting new features.
    • Updated
      • Updated w.r.t recent changes in Introduction( doc.
      • Simplified and Reformatted text sections similar to Introduction doc.
      • Imported new "Contributions" and "Donations" sections from VidGear docs.
      • Added collapsible text and output section using <summary> and <detail> tags.
      • Added experimental note GitHub blockquote to simulate admonition in
      • Removed tag-line from and related image asset.
      • Simplified and Grouped README URL hyperlinks.
      • Removed Roadmap section.
    • Updated Recipes docs:
      • Revamped DeFFcode Introduction with new Information, Context and UI changes, Updated example codes and hyperlinks.
      • Updated Announcement Bar to fix announcement_link variable and text.
      • Updated footer note to notify users regarding tuple value warning in FFdecoder API.
      • Rewritten recipes w.r.t breaking changes in APIs.
    • Updated Reference docs:
      • Completely revamped API's parameter reference docs.
      • Added new Functional Block Diagrams to FFdecoder and Sourcer API References.
      • Rewritten and Reformatted FFdecoder and Sourcer API's parameter reference docs with new information w.r.t recent changes.
      • Implemented new admonitions explaining new changes, related warnings/errors, usage examples etc.
      • Removed redundant and docs.
      • Added new abstracts to FFhelper and Utils docs.
    • Updated docs site navigation and titles:
      • Reformatted and installation/
      • Renamed help/ to help/
      • Moved basic and advanced recipes from example to recipes folder.
      • Imported "Donations" sections from VidGear docs to
      • Added updated page-title and navigation hyperlinks in mkdocs.yml to new markdown files incorporated recently.
      • Updated internal navigation hyperlinks in docs and removed old redundant file links.
    • Updated docs UI:
      • Added custom spacer class in CSS for custom vertical spacing.
      • Imported new "New", "Advance", "Alert", "Danger" and "Bug" admonitions custom CSS UI patches from vidgear.
      • Updated all admonitions icons with new custom icon SVG+XML URLs.
      • Reformatted custom.css and added missing comments.
      • Updated docs fonts:
        • Updated text font to Heebo.
        • Updated code font to JetBrains Mono.
      • Updated primary and accent colors:
        • Updated primary light color to light green.
        • Updated primary dark color to amber.
        • Updated accent light color to green.
        • Updated accent dark color to lime.
      • Replaced admonitions with appropriate ones.
      • Changed Color palette toggle icons.
      • Updated icons in title headings.
    • Updated admonitions messages.
    • Updated
  • CI:
    • Pinned jinja2 version to <3.1.0, since jinja2>=3.1.0 breaks mkdocs (mkdocs/mkdocs#2799).
    • Updated unittests w.r.t recent changes in APIs:
      • Updated test_frame_format unittest to include manually assign output pixel-format via metadata property object.
      • Updated test_metadata unittest to include new checks parameter to decide whether to perform Assertion test on assigned metadata properties in FFdecoder API.
      • Added new parametrize attributes in test_metadata and test_seek_n_save unittests to cover every use-cases.
      • Replaced IOError with ValueError in Sourcer API unittests.
    • Updated test_metadata unittest to verify tuple value warning.
    • Updated unittests to increase code coverage significantly.
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • Sourcer API:
    • ☠ Sourcer API's retrieve_metadata() method now returns parsed metadata either as JSON string or dictionary type.
      • Added new pretty_json boolean parameter to retrieve_metadata(), that is when True, returns metadata formatted as JSON string instead of default python dictionary.
    • ☠ Changed IOError to ValueError in Sourcer API, raised when source with no decodable audio or video stream is provided.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • ☠ Rename extraparams dictionary parameter to ffparams in FFdecoder API.
    • ☠ The source metadata value cannot be altered through metadata property object in FFdecoder API.
    • ☠ Removed -ffpostfixes attribute support from ffparams dictionary parameter in FFdecoder API, since totally redundant in favor of similar -ffprefixes and -clones attributes.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Fixed metadata property object unable to process user-defined keys when any source metadata keys are defined.
    • Fixed TypeError bug with string type -framerate parameter values.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Fixed Sourcer API throws IOError for videos containing streams without both source bitrate and framerate defined (such as from lavfi input virtual device).
    • Fixed AttributeError bug due to typo in variable name.
  • CI:
    • Fixed support for newer mkdocstring version in DeFFcode Docs Deployer workflow.
      • Added new mkdocstrings-python-legacy dependency.
      • Replaced rendering variable with options.
      • Removed pinned mkdocstrings==0.17.0 version.
      • Removed redundant variables.
    • Updated test_metadata unittest to fix AssertionError Bug.
  • Docs:
    • Fixed some admonitions icons not showing bug using !important rule in CSS.
    • Fixed 404.html static page not showing up.
    • Fixed invalid internal navigation hyperlinks and asset paths.
    • Removed quote/cite/summary admonition custom UI patches.
    • Removed redundant information texts.
    • Fixed typos in code comments.
    • Fixed typos in example code.
Pull Requests



v0.2.1 (2022-07-14)

New Features
  • Sourcer API:
    • Implemented support for extracting metadata from live input devices/sources.
    • Added new source_demuxer and forced_validate parameters to validate_source internal method.
    • Implemented logic to validate source_demuxer value against FFmpeg supported demuxers.
    • Rearranged metadata dict.
    • Updated Code comments.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Implemented functionality to supported live devices by allowing device path and respective demuxer into pipeline.
    • Included -f FFmpeg parameter into pipeline to specify source device demuxer.
    • Added special case for discarding -framerate value with Nonetype.
  • CI:
    • Added new unittest test_camera_capture() to test support for live Virtual Camera devices.
    • Added new v4l2loopback-dkms, v4l2loopback-utils and kernel related APT dependencies.
  • Bash Script:
    • Added new FFmpeg command to extract image datasets from given video on Linux envs.
    • Created live Virtual Camera devices through v4l2loopback library on Github Actions Linux envs.
      • Added v4l2loopback modprobe command to setup Virtual Camera named VCamera dynamically at /dev/video2.
      • Added v4l2-ctl --list-devices command for debugging.
      • Implemented FFmpeg command through nohup(no hangup) to feed video loop input to Virtual Camera in the background.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Only either source_demuxer or source_extension attribute can be present in metadata.
    • Enforced forced_validate for live input devices/sources in validate_source internal method.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Rearranged FFmpeg parameters in pipeline.
    • Removed redundant code.
    • Updated Code comments.
  • FFhelper API:
    • Logged error message on metadata extraction failure.
  • CI:
    • Restricted test_camera_capture() unittest to Linux envs only.
    • Removed return_generated_frames_path() method support for Linux envs.
    • Pinned jinja2 3.1.0 or above breaking mkdocs.
      • jinja2>=3.1.0 breaks mkdocs (mkdocs/mkdocs#2799), therefore pinned jinja2 version to <3.1.0.
  • Bash Script:
    • Updated to latest FFmpeg Static Binaries links.
      • Updated download links to abhiTronix/ffmpeg-static-builds * hosting latest available versions.
      • Updated date/version tag to 12-07-2022.
      • Removed depreciated binaries download links and code.
  • Setup:
    • Bumped version to 0.2.1.
  • Docs:
    • Updated
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • ☠ Implement support for live input devices/sources.
    • source parameter now accepts device name or path.
    • Added source_demuxer parameter to specify demuxer for live input devices/sources.
    • Implemented Automated inserting of -f FFmpeg parameter whenever source_demuxer is specified by the user.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Fixed Nonetype value bug in source_demuxer assertion logic.
    • Fixed typos in parameter names.
    • Added missing import.
  • FFhelper API:
    • Logged error message on metadata extraction failure.
    • Fixed bug with get_supported_demuxers not detecting name patterns with commas.
    • Removed redundant logging.
  • CI:
    • Fixed critical permission bug causing v4l2loopback to fail on Github Actions Linux envs.
      • Elevated privileges to root by adding sudo to all commands(including bash scripts and python commands).
      • Updated vidgear dependency to pip install from its git testing branch with recent bug fixes.
      • Replaced relative paths with absolute paths in unit tests.
    • Fixed WriteGear API unable to write frames due to permission errors.
    • Fixed test_source_playback() test failing on Darwin envs with OLD FFmpeg binaries.
      • Removed custom_ffmpeg value for Darwin envs.
    • Fixed various naming typos.
    • Fixed missing APT dependencies.
Pull Requests



v0.2.0 (2022-03-21)

New Features
  • Sourcer API:
    • Added a new source_audio_samplerate metadata parameter:
      • Re-implemented __extract_audio_bitrate internal function from scratch as __extract_audio_bitrate_nd_samplerate.
        • Implemented new algorithm to extract both extract both audio bitrate and samplerate from given source.
        • Updated regex patterns according to changes.
      • Updated __contains_video and __contains_audio logic to support new changes.
    • Added metadata extraction support:
      • Added retrieve_metadata class method to Sourcer API for extracting source metadata as python dictionary.
        • Populated private source member values in dictionary with distinct keys.
    • Added new -force_validate_source attribute to Sourcer API's sourcer_params dict parameter for special cases.
    • Implemented check whether probe_stream() called or not in Sourcer API.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Added metadata extraction and updation support:
      • Added metadata property object function to FFdecoder API for retrieving source metadata form Sourcer API as dict and return it as JSON dump for pretty printing.
        • Added Operational Mode as read-only property in metadata.
      • Added metadata property object with setter() method for updating source metadata with user-defined dictionary.
        • Implemented way to manually alter metadata keys and values for custom results.
  • Docs:
    • Added new comprehensive documentation with Mkdocs:
      • Added new image assets:
        • Added new Deffcode banner image, logo and tagline
        • Added new icon ICO file with each layer of the favicon holds a different size of the image.
        • Added new png images for best compatibility with different web browsers.
      • Added new docs files:
        • Added new with introduction to project.
        • Added new
        • Added
        • Added new with instructions for contributing in DeFFcode.
          • Added with Issue Contribution Guidelines.
          • Added with PR Contribution Guidelines.
        • Added new custom.js to add gitter sidecard support.
        • Added new custom.css that brings standard and quality visual design experience to DeFFcode docs.
          • Added new admonitions new and alert.
        • Added separate LICENSE(under CC creative commons) and for assets.
        • Added new main.html extending base.html for defining custom site metadata.
        • Added deFFcode banner image to metadata.
        • Added twitter card and metadata.
        • Added version warning for displaying a warning when the user visits any other version.
        • Added footer sponsorship block.
        • Added gitter card official JS script dist.
        • Added new custom 404.html to handle HTTP status code 404 Not Found.
          • Implemented custom theming with new CSS style.
          • Added custom 404 image asset.
        • Added new with DeFFcode Installation notes.
          • Added info about Supported Systems, Supported Python legacies, Prerequisites, Installation instructions.
          • Added Pip and Source Installation instructions.
        • Added new with machine-specific instructions for FFmpeg installation.
        • Added new with different ways to help DeFFcode, other users, and the author.
          • Added info about Starring and Watching DeFFcode on GitHub, Helping with open issues etc.
          • Added Tweeter intent used for tweeting #deffode hastags easily.
          • Added Kofi Donation link button.
          • Added author contact links and left align avatar image.
        • Added new to get help with DeFFcode.
          • Added DeFFcode gitter community link.
          • Added other helpful links.
      • Added new assets folders.
      • Added Basic Recipes with
      • Added Advanced Recipes with
      • Added all API References.
        • Added mkdocstrings automatic documentation from sources.
        • Added new for FFdecoder API with its description and explaining its API.
        • Added new for Sourcer API with its description and explaining its API.
        • Added ffhelper methods API references.
        • Added utils methods API references.
      • Added all API Parameters.
        • Added new for FFdecoder API explaining all its parameters.
        • Added new for Sourcer API explaining all its parameters.
        • Added Mkdocs support with mkdocs.yml
      • Implemented new mkdocs.yml with relevant parameters.
        • Added extended material theme with overridden parts.
        • Added site metadata with site_name, site_url, site_author, site_description, repo_name, repo_url, edit_uri, copyright etc.
        • Added navigation under sections for easily accessing each document.
        • Implemented Page tree for DeFFcode docs.
        • Added features like navigation.tracking, navigation.indexes,, search.suggest, search.highlight, search.share, content.code.annotate.
        • Added separate palette [default]light(with primary:green accent: dark green) and [slate]dark(with primary:teal accent: light green) mode.
        • Added Color palette toggle switch with icon material/home-lightning-bolt.
        • Added support for all pymarkdown-extensions.
        • Added google fonts for text: Quicksand and code: Fira Code.
        • Added custom logo and icon for DeFFcode.
        • Added support for plugins like search, git-revision-date-localized, minify.
        • Added support for mkdocstrings plugin for auto-built API references.
          • Added python handler for parsing python source-code to mkdocstrings.
          • Improved source-code docs for compatibility with mkdocstrings.
        • Added support for extensions like admonition, attr_list, codehilite, def_list, footnotes, meta, and toc.
        • Added social icons and links.
        • Added custom extra_css and extra_javascript.
        • Added support for en (English) language.
      • Added new badges to for displaying current status of CI jobs and coverage.
      • Added Roadmap to
  • CI:
    • Automated CI support for different environments:
      • Implemented auto-handling of dependencies installation, unit testing, and coverage report uploading.
      • Added GitHub Action workflow for Linux envs:
        • Added and configured CIlinux.yml to enable GitHub Action workflow for Linux-based Testing Envs.
        • Added 3.7+ python-versions to build matrix.
        • Added code coverage through codecov/codecov-action@v2 workflow for measuring unit-tests effectiveness.
          • Implemented behavior to about coverage upload on timeout(error code 124) in pytests.
      • Added Appveyor workflow for Windows envs:
        • Add and configured appveyor.yml to enable Appveyor workflow for Windows-based Testing Envs.
        • Added 3.7+ 64-bit python-versions to build matrix.
        • Enabled fast_finish to exit immediately on error.
      • Added Azure-Pipelines workflow for MacOS envs:
        • Add and configured azure-pipelines.yml to enable Azure-Pipelines workflow for MacOS-based Testing Envs.
        • Added code coverage through codecov workflow for measuring unit-tests effectiveness.
          • Added online auto validation of codecov bash script using SH256SUM and sig files as recommended.
        • Implemented behavior to about coverage upload on timeout(error code 124) in pytests.
        • Added 3.7+ python-versions to build matrix.
      • Added automated flake8 testing to discover any anomalies in code.
      • Added master branches for triggering CI.
    • Implement new automated Docs Building and Deployment on gh-pages through GitHub Actions workflow:
      • Added new workflow yaml docs_deployer.yml for automated docs deployment.
      • Added different jobs with ubuntu-latest environement to build matrix.
      • Added actions/checkout@v2 for repo checkout and actions/setup-python@v2 for python environment.
      • Pinned python version to 3.8 for python environment in docs building.
      • Added GIT_TOKEN, GIT_NAME, GIT_EMAIL environment variables through secrets.
      • Added Mkdocs Material theme related python dependencies and environments.
      • Added push on master and dev branch release with published as triggers.
      • Pinned mkdocstrings==0.17.0.
    • Added new Automated Docs Versioning:
      • Implemented Docs versioning through mike.
      • Separate new workflow steps to handle different versions.
      • Added step to auto-create RELEASE_NAME environment variable from DeFFcode version file.
      • Update docs deploy workflow to support latest, release and dev builds.
      • Added automatic release version extraction from GitHub events.
    • Added Skip Duplicate Actions Workflow to DeFFcode Docs Deployer:
      • Added Skip Duplicate Actions(fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@master) Workflow to DeFFcode Docs Deployer to prevent redundant duplicate workflow-runs.
  • Maintenance:
    • New DeFFcode project issue and PR templates:
      • Added PR template:
        • Added a pull request template( for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the pull request body.
        • Added Brief Description, Requirements / Checklist, Related Issue, Context, Types of changes blocks.
      • Added Proposal, Bug-Report and Question templates:
        • Created an ISSUE_TEMPLATE subdirectory to contain multiple issue templates.
        • Add manually-created Proposal( and Question( issue template for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the issue body.
          • Added Brief Description, Acknowledgment, Context, Current Environment, Any Other Information like blocks.
        • Add an manually-created Bug Report( issue template to ISSUE_TEMPLATE subdirectory for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the issue body.
          • Added Brief Description, Acknowledgment, Context, Current Environment, Expected Behavior, Actual Behavior, Possible Fix, Steps to reproduce, Miscellaneous like blocks.
        • Added YAML frontmatter to each issue template to pre-fill the issue title, automatically add labels and assignees, and give the template a name and description.
        • Added a config.yml file to the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder to customize the issue template chooser that people see when creating a new issue.
        • Set blank_issues_enabled parameter to false to encourage contributors to use issue templates.
        • Added contact_links parameter with gitter community link to receive regular issues outside of GitHub.
      • Added new FUNDING.yml with ko-fi donation link.
      • Added .gitattributes for DeFFcode, that set the default behavior, in case people don't have core.autocrlf set.
      • Imported Codecov config(codecov.yml) from vidgear to modify coverage parameters.
  • Tests:
    • Added DeFFcode unit tests with pytest:
      • Added for defining all essential functions necessary for DeFFcode unit tests.
      • Added return_static_ffmpeg, remove_file_safe, return_testvideo_path, return_generated_frames_path, actual_frame_count_n_frame_size essential functions.
      • Added is_windows global variable.
      • Added related imports and logging.
      • Added
      • Moved all files to test folder.
      • Added DeFFcode's utils unit tests with pytest.
        • Added new test_loggerhandler and test_dict2Args tests.
      • Added DeFFcode's ffhelper unit tests with pytest.
        • Added new test_ffmpeg_binaries_download, test_validate_ffmpeg, test_get_valid_ffmpeg_path, test_check_sp_output, test_is_valid_url, test_is_valid_image_seq, and test_validate_imgseqdir parametrize tests.
      • Added DeFFcode's Sourcer API unit tests with pytest.
        • Added new test_source and test_probe_stream_n_retrieve_metadata parametrize tests.
      • Added DeFFcode's FFdecoder API unit tests with pytest.
        • Added new test_source_playback, test_frame_format, test_metadata, test_seek_n_save, and test_FFdecoder_params parametrize unit tests.
      • Added related imports and logging.
      • Added unit test for delete_file_safe utils function.
  • Bash:
    • 🔧 Imported from vidgear for downloading pytest datasets to temp dir.
  • FFdecoder API:
    • Removed redundant forcing -r FFmpeg parameter for image sequences as source.
    • Removed redundant checks on -vf FFmpeg parameter.
    • FFmpeg parameter -s will be discarded in favor of -custom_resolution attribute.
    • Replaced -constant_framerate with FFmpeg -framerate attribute.
    • Replaced -custom_source_params with correct -custom_sourcer_params attribute.
    • Renamed operational_mode metadata parameter to ffdecoder_operational_mode.
  • Sourcer API:
    • Converted all Sourcer APIs public available variables into private ones for stability.
    • All Sourcer's publicly accessed variable metadata values in FFdecoder, therefore replaced with dictionary counterparts.
    • Moved FFmpeg path validation and handling to Sourcer from FFdecoder API.
    • Moved -ffmpeg_download_path dictionary attribute to Sourcer API's sourcer_params parameter.
    • Moved dependencies and related functions.
  • CI:
    • Excluded dev branch from triggering workflow on any environment.
      • Updated yaml files to exclude beta dev branch from triggering workflow on any environment.
      • Restricted codecov to use only master branch.
    • Re-implemented fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@master to Skip individual deploy steps instead of Skip entire jobs
  • Docs:
    • Updated
      • Added instructions to download using curl.
      • Updated dependencies for pytest.
    • Updated
      • Updated generating Video from Image sequence to save video using OpenCV writer instead of WriteGear API.
      • Added frame_format="bgr24"and additional instructions regarding OpenCV writer.
      • Updated example codes with new changes.
      • Rearranged examples placement.
    • Updates to custom.css
      • Added donation sponsor link in page footer with heart animation.
      • Added bouncing heart animation through pure CSS.
      • Added Bold property to currently highlighted link in Navigation Bar.
      • Updated Navigation Bar title font size.
      • Updated version list text to uppercase and bold.
      • Updated icon for task list unchecked.
      • Added more top-padding to docs heading.
      • Updated Block quote symbol and theming.
      • Updated Custom Button theming to match docs.
      • Added new custom classes to create shadow effect in dark mode for better visibility.
      • Updated dark mode theme "slate" hue to 285.
    • Updated admonitions colors.
    • Updated gitter sidecard UI colors and properties.
    • Reflected recent changes in Sourcer and FFdecoder API's metadata.
    • Updated sample code formatting from sh to json.
    • Added missing docs for delete_file_safe utils function.
    • Updated Download Test Datasets instructions.
    • Updated contribution guidelines and installation docs with related changes.
    • Updated License Notice.
    • Updated code comments.
    • Updated logging messages.
    • Updated Deffcode Logo and Tagline to be dark-mode friendly.
    • Adjusted asset alignment.
    • Updated example code.
    • Updated Installation instructions, Requirements and Roadmap.
    • Corrected links to documents.
    • Updated project description.
    • Updated LICENSE.
    • Updated indentation and code comments
    • Re-aligned text and images in
    • Adjusted image classes and width.
  • Maintenance:
    • Updated LICENSE notice to add vidgear notice.
    • Bumped version to 0.2.0
    • Added useful comments for convenience.
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • ☠ Sourcer API will now raises Assertion error if probe_stream() not called before calling retrieve_metadata().
  • ☠ Only -framerate values greater than 0.0 are now valid.
  • ☠ Renamed decode_stream to probe_stream in Sourcer API.
  • ☠ Any of video bitrate or video framerate are sufficient to validate if source contains valid video stream(s).
  • ☠ Any of audio bitrate or audio samplerate are sufficient to validate if source contains valid audio stream(s).
  • APIs:
    • Added missing delete_file_safe function in utils.
      • Imported delete_file_safe from vidgear to safely deletes files at given path.
    • Fixed forward slash bugs in regex patterns.
    • Fixed IndexError when no bitrate was discovered in given source.
    • Fixed FFmpeg subprocess pipeline not terminating gracefully in FFdecoder API.
    • Fixed __version__ not defined in DeFFcode's that throws AttributeError: module 'deffcode' has no attribute '__version__' on query.
      • Added necessary import in
  • Docs:
    • Fixed missing "-vcodec": "h264_cuvid" value in example code.
    • Fixed typos in filenames in
    • Fixed internal missing or invalid hyperlinks.
    • Fixed improper docs context and typos.
    • Fixed "year" in license notice.
    • Fixed content spacing.
    • Fixed Gitter Community Link in Mkdocs.
    • Fixed typos in
    • Fixed typos in license notices.
    • Fixed typos in code comments.
    • Fixed typos in example code.
  • CI:
    • Fixed missing FFmpeg dependency bug in GitHub Actions.
    • Fixes typo in Docs Deployer yaml.
    • Fixed if condition skipping when need is skipping
  • Maintenance:
    • Added missing imports.
    • Fixed redundant conditional logics.
    • Removed or Replaced redundant conditions and definitions.
    • Fixed minor typos in templates.
Pull Requests



v0.1.0 (2022-03-07)

New Features
  • 🎉 Open-Sourced DeFFcode under the Apache 2.0 License.
  • Added new Classes(APIs):
    • FFdecoder: Performant Real-time Video frames Generator for generating blazingly fast video frames(RGB ndarray by default).
    • Sourcer: Extracts source video metadata (bitrate, resolution, framerate, nframes etc.) using its subprocess FFmpeg output.
  • Added new Helper functions:
    • ffhelper: Backend FFmpeg Wrapper that handles all subprocess transactions and gather data.
    • utils: Handles all additional Utilizes required for functioning of DeFFcode.
  • First PyPi Release:
    • Released DeFFcode to Python Package Index (PyPI)
    • Added and related metadata.
    • Added
  • Docs:
    • Added abstract and related information in
    • Added installation instructions.
    • Added preliminary usage examples.
  • Maintenance:
    • Added LICENSE.
    • Added .gitignore
  • Maintenance:
    • Bumped version to 0.1.0
    • Updated LICENSE notice to add vidgear code usage notice.
Breaking Updates/Changes
  • ☠ Fixed support for Python-3.7 and above legacies only.
  • Docs:
    • Fixed hyperlinks in README.
    • Fixed indentation and spacing.
    • Fixed typos and updated context.
    • Removed dead code.