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DeFFcode Installation

Installation Notes

Supported Systems

DeFFcode is well-tested and supported on the following systems(but not limited to), with python 3.7+ and pip installed:

Upgrade your pip

It strongly advised to upgrade to latest pip before installing deffcode to avoid any undesired installation error(s).

There are two mechanisms to upgrade pip:

You can use existing pip to upgrade itself:

Install pip if not present

More details about this script can be found in pypa/get-pip’s README.

python -m pip install pip --upgrade
py -m pip install pip --upgrade

Python also comes with an ensurepip module1, which can easily upgrade/install pip in any Python environment.

python -m ensurepip --upgrade
py -m ensurepip --upgrade
  • Any Linux distro released in 2016 or later
  • Windows 7 or later
  • MacOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later

Supported Python legacies

Python 3.7+ are only supported legacies for installing DeFFcode v0.1.0 and above.


⚠ DeFFcode APIs requires FFmpeg binaries to be installed for all of its core functionality.


When installing DeFFcode, FFmpeg is the only prerequisites you need to configure/install manually. You could easily do it by referring FFmpeg Installation doc.



Best option for easily getting stable DeFFcode installed.

Installation is as simple as:

Windows Installation

If you are using Windows, some of the commands given below, may not work out-of-the-box.

A quick solution may be to preface every Python command with python -m like this:

# Install latest stable release
python -m pip install -U deffcode

And, If you don't have the privileges to the directory you're installing package. Then use --user flag, that makes pip install packages in your home directory instead:

# Install latest stable release
python -m pip install --upgrade --user deffcode

Or, If you're using py as alias for installed python, then:

# Install latest stable release
py -m pip install --upgrade --user deffcode
# Install latest stable release
pip install -U deffcode

And you can also download its wheel (.whl) package from our repository's releases section, thereby can be installed as follows:

# Install latest release
pip install deffcode-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl

B. Installation from Source

Best option for trying latest patches(maybe experimental), forking for Pull Requests, or automatically installing all prerequisites(with a few exceptions).

Installation using dev banch

If you're looking for latest work-in-progress 🚧 enhancements or bug-fixes, then you want to checkout our beta dev branch with the following commands:

The beta dev branch at times can be very unstable or even unusable, User discretion is advised!

# clone the repository and get inside
git clone && cd deffcode

# checkout the dev beta branch
git checkout dev

# Install it
pip install -U .
Windows Installation

If you are using Windows, some of the commands given below, may not work out-of-the-box.

A quick solution may be to preface every Python command with python -m like this:

# Install latest beta branch
python -m pip install -U .

And, If you don't have the privileges to the directory you're installing package. Then use --user flag, that makes pip install packages in your home directory instead:

# Install latest beta branch
python -m pip install --upgrade --user .

Or, If you're using py as alias for installed python, then:

# Install latest beta branch
py -m pip install --upgrade --user .
# clone the repository and get inside
git clone && cd deffcode

# Install it
pip install -U .


  1. ⚠ The ensurepip module is missing/disabled on Ubuntu. Use pip method only.