NetGear_Async API References
NetGear_Async API usage examples can be found here ➶
NetGear_Async API parameters are explained here ➶
NetGear_Async can generate the same performance as NetGear API at about one-third the memory consumption, and also provide complete server-client handling with various options to use variable protocols/patterns similar to NetGear, but lacks in term of flexibility as it supports only a few NetGear's Exclusive Modes.
NetGear_Async is built on zmq.asyncio
, and powered by a high-performance asyncio event loop called uvloop to achieve unwatchable high-speed and lag-free video streaming over the network with minimal resource constraints. NetGear_Async can transfer thousands of frames in just a few seconds without causing any significant load on your system.
NetGear_Async provides complete server-client handling and options to use variable protocols/patterns similar to NetGear API. Furthermore, NetGear_Async allows us to define our custom Server as source to transform frames easily before sending them across the network.
NetGear_Async now supports additional bidirectional data transmission between receiver(client) and sender(server) while transferring frames. Users can easily build complex applications such as like Real-Time Video Chat in just few lines of code.
In addition to all this, NetGear_Async API also provides internal wrapper around VideoGear, which itself provides internal access to both CamGear and PiGear APIs, thereby granting it exclusive power for transferring frames incoming from any source to the network.
NetGear_Async as of now supports four ZeroMQ messaging patterns:
(ZMQ Pair Pattern)zmq.REQ/zmq.REP
(ZMQ Request/Reply Pattern)zmq.PUB/zmq.SUB
(ZMQ Publish/Subscribe Pattern)zmq.PUSH/zmq.PULL
(ZMQ Push/Pull Pattern)
Whereas supported protocol are: tcp
and ipc
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
class NetGear_Async:
NetGear_Async can generate the same performance as NetGear API at about one-third the memory consumption, and also provide complete server-client handling with various
options to use variable protocols/patterns similar to NetGear, but lacks in term of flexibility as it supports only a few NetGear's Exclusive Modes.
NetGear_Async is built on `zmq.asyncio`, and powered by a high-performance asyncio event loop called uvloop to achieve unwatchable high-speed and lag-free video streaming
over the network with minimal resource constraints. NetGear_Async can transfer thousands of frames in just a few seconds without causing any significant load on your
NetGear_Async provides complete server-client handling and options to use variable protocols/patterns similar to NetGear API. Furthermore, NetGear_Async allows us to define
our custom Server as source to transform frames easily before sending them across the network.
NetGear_Async now supports additional **bidirectional data transmission** between receiver(client) and sender(server) while transferring frames.
Users can easily build complex applications such as like _Real-Time Video Chat_ in just few lines of code.
In addition to all this, NetGear_Async API also provides internal wrapper around VideoGear, which itself provides internal access to both CamGear and PiGear APIs, thereby
granting it exclusive power for transferring frames incoming from any source to the network.
NetGear_Async as of now supports four ZeroMQ messaging patterns:
- `zmq.PAIR` _(ZMQ Pair Pattern)_
- `zmq.REQ/zmq.REP` _(ZMQ Request/Reply Pattern)_
- `zmq.PUB/zmq.SUB` _(ZMQ Publish/Subscribe Pattern)_
- `zmq.PUSH/zmq.PULL` _(ZMQ Push/Pull Pattern)_
Whereas supported protocol are: `tcp` and `ipc`.
def __init__(
# NetGear_Async parameters
address: str = None,
port: str = None,
protocol: str = "tcp",
pattern: int = 0,
receive_mode: bool = False,
timeout: Union[int, float] = 0.0,
# Videogear parameters
enablePiCamera: bool = False,
stabilize: bool = False,
source: Any = None,
camera_num: int = 0,
stream_mode: bool = False,
backend: int = 0,
colorspace: str = None,
resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 480),
framerate: Union[int, float] = 25,
time_delay: int = 0,
# common parameters
logging: bool = False,
**options: dict
This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the NetGear_Async class.
address (str): sets the valid network address of the Server/Client.
port (str): sets the valid Network Port of the Server/Client.
protocol (str): sets the valid messaging protocol between Server/Client.
pattern (int): sets the supported messaging pattern(flow of communication) between Server/Client
receive_mode (bool): select the NetGear_Async's Mode of operation.
timeout (int/float): controls the maximum waiting time(in sec) after which Client throws `TimeoutError`.
enablePiCamera (bool): provide access to PiGear(if True) or CamGear(if False) APIs respectively.
stabilize (bool): enable access to Stabilizer Class for stabilizing frames.
camera_num (int): selects the camera module index which will be used as Rpi source.
resolution (tuple): sets the resolution (i.e. `(width,height)`) of the Rpi source.
framerate (int/float): sets the framerate of the Rpi source.
source (based on input): defines the source for the input stream.
stream_mode (bool): controls the exclusive YouTube Mode.
backend (int): selects the backend for OpenCV's VideoCapture class.
colorspace (str): selects the colorspace of the input stream.
logging (bool): enables/disables logging.
time_delay (int): time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames.
options (dict): provides ability to alter Tweak Parameters of NetGear_Async, CamGear, PiGear & Stabilizer.
# enable logging if specified
self.__logging = logging if isinstance(logging, bool) else False
# print current version
# raise error(s) for critical Class imports
"zmq" if zmq is None else "", min_version="4.0", pkg_name="pyzmq"
import_dependency_safe("msgpack" if msgpack is None else "")
import_dependency_safe("msgpack_numpy" if m is None else "")
# define valid messaging patterns => `0`: PAIR, `1`:(REQ, REP), `2`:(SUB, PUB), `3`:(PUSH, PULL)
valid_messaging_patterns = {
0: (zmq.PAIR, zmq.PAIR),
1: (zmq.REQ, zmq.REP),
2: (zmq.PUB, zmq.SUB),
3: (zmq.PUSH, zmq.PULL),
# check whether user-defined messaging pattern is valid
if isinstance(pattern, int) and pattern in valid_messaging_patterns:
# assign value
self.__msg_pattern = pattern
self.__pattern = valid_messaging_patterns[pattern]
# otherwise default to 0:`zmq.PAIR`
self.__msg_pattern = 0
self.__pattern = valid_messaging_patterns[self.__msg_pattern]
self.__logging and logger.warning(
"Invalid pattern {pattern}. Defaulting to `zmq.PAIR`!".format(
# check whether user-defined messaging protocol is valid
if isinstance(protocol, str) and protocol in ["tcp", "ipc"]:
# assign value
self.__protocol = protocol
# else default to `tcp` protocol
self.__protocol = "tcp"
self.__logging and logger.warning("Invalid protocol. Defaulting to `tcp`!")
# initialize Termination flag
self.__terminate = False
# initialize and assign `Receive Mode`
self.__receive_mode = receive_mode
# initialize stream handler
self.__stream = None
# initialize Messaging Socket
self.__msg_socket = None
# initialize NetGear_Async's configuration dictionary
self.config = {}
# asyncio queue handler
self.__queue = None
# define Bidirectional mode
self.__bi_mode = False # handles Bidirectional mode state
# assign timeout for Receiver end
if timeout and isinstance(timeout, (int, float)):
self.__timeout = float(timeout)
self.__timeout = 15.0
# generate 8-digit random system id
self.__id = "".join(
secrets.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(8)
# Handle user-defined options dictionary values
# reformat dictionary
options = {str(k).strip(): v for k, v in options.items()}
# handle bidirectional mode
if "bidirectional_mode" in options:
value = options["bidirectional_mode"]
# also check if pattern and source is valid
if isinstance(value, bool) and pattern < 2 and source is None:
# activate Bidirectional mode if specified
self.__bi_mode = value
# otherwise disable it
self.__bi_mode = False
logger.warning("Bidirectional data transmission is disabled!")
# handle errors and logging
if pattern >= 2:
# raise error
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: `{}` pattern is not valid when Bidirectional Mode is enabled. Kindly refer Docs for more Information!".format(
elif not (source is None):
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Custom source must be used when Bidirectional Mode is enabled. Kindly refer Docs for more Information!".format(
elif isinstance(value, bool) and self.__logging:
# log Bidirectional mode activation
"Bidirectional Data Transmission is {} for this connection!".format(
"enabled" if value else "disabled"
logger.error("`bidirectional_mode` value is invalid!")
# clean
del options["bidirectional_mode"]
# Setup and assign event loop policy
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# On Windows, VidGear requires the ``WindowsSelectorEventLoop``, but Python 3.8 and above,
# defaults to an ``ProactorEventLoop`` loop that is not compatible with it. Thereby,
# we had to set it manually.
if not (uvloop is None):
# Latest uvloop eventloop is only available for UNIX machines.
# log if not present
import_dependency_safe("uvloop", error="log")
# Retrieve event loop and assign it
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
# otherwise create one
logger.critical("No running event loop found. Creating a new one.")
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# log eventloop for debugging
self.__logging and
"Using ``{}`` event loop for this process.".format(
# define messaging asynchronous Context
self.__msg_context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
# check whether `Receive Mode` is enabled
if receive_mode:
# assign local IP address if None
if address is None:
self.__address = "*" # define address
self.__address = address
# assign default port address if None
if port is None:
self.__port = "5555"
self.__port = port
# Handle video source
if source is None:
self.config = {"generator": None}
self.__logging and logger.warning("Given source is of NoneType!")
# define stream with necessary params
self.__stream = VideoGear(
# define default frame generator in configuration
self.config = {"generator": self.__frame_generator()}
# assign local ip address if None
if address is None:
self.__address = "localhost"
self.__address = address
# assign default port address if None
if port is None:
self.__port = "5555"
self.__port = port
# add server task handler
self.task = None
# create asyncio queue if bidirectional mode activated
self.__queue = asyncio.Queue() if self.__bi_mode else None
def launch(self) -> T:
Launches an asynchronous generators and loop executors for respective task.
# check if receive mode enabled
if self.__receive_mode:
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Launching NetGear_Async asynchronous generator!"
# run loop executor for Receiver asynchronous generator
self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.recv_generator)
# Otherwise launch Server handler
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Creating NetGear_Async asynchronous server handler!"
# create task for Server Handler
self.task = self.loop.create_task(self.__server_handler())
# return instance
return self
async def __server_handler(self):
Handles various Server-end processes/tasks.
# validate assigned frame generator in NetGear_Async configuration
if isinstance(self.config, dict) and "generator" in self.config:
# check if its assigned value is a asynchronous generator
if self.config["generator"] is None or not inspect.isasyncgen(
# otherwise raise error
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Invalid configuration. Assigned generator must be a asynchronous generator function/method only!"
# raise error if validation fails
raise RuntimeError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Assigned NetGear_Async configuration is invalid!"
# define our messaging socket
self.__msg_socket = self.__msg_context.socket(self.__pattern[0])
# if req/rep pattern, define additional flags
if self.__msg_pattern == 1:
self.__msg_socket.REQ_RELAXED = True
self.__msg_socket.REQ_CORRELATE = True
# if pub/sub pattern, define additional optimizer
if self.__msg_pattern == 2:
# try connecting socket to assigned protocol, address and port
self.__protocol + "://" + str(self.__address) + ":" + str(self.__port)
# finally log if successful
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Successfully connected to address: {} with pattern: {}.".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
"Send Mode is successfully activated and ready to send data!"
except Exception as e:
# log ad raise error if failed
if self.__bi_mode:
"Failed to activate Bidirectional Mode for this connection!"
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Failed to connect address: {} and pattern: {}!".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
# loop over our Asynchronous frame generator
async for dataframe in self.config["generator"]:
# extract data if bidirectional mode
if self.__bi_mode and len(dataframe) == 2:
(data, frame) = dataframe
if not (data is None) and isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
"Skipped unsupported `data` of datatype: {}!".format(
data = None
assert isinstance(
frame, np.ndarray
), "[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Invalid data received from server end!"
elif self.__bi_mode:
# raise error for invalid data
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Send Mode only accepts tuple(data, frame) as input in Bidirectional Mode. \
Kindly refer vidgear docs!"
# otherwise just make a copy of frame
frame = np.copy(dataframe)
data = None
# check if retrieved frame is `CONTIGUOUS`
if not (frame.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]):
# otherwise make it
frame = np.ascontiguousarray(frame, dtype=frame.dtype)
# create data dict
data_dict = dict(
data=data if not (data is None) else "",
# encode it
data_enc = msgpack.packb(data_dict)
# send the encoded data with correct flags
await self.__msg_socket.send(data_enc, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
# encode frame
frame_enc = msgpack.packb(frame, default=m.encode)
# send the encoded frame
await self.__msg_socket.send_multipart([frame_enc])
# check if bidirectional patterns used
if self.__msg_pattern < 2:
# handle bidirectional data transfer if enabled
if self.__bi_mode:
# get receiver encoded message withing timeout limit
recvdmsg_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve receiver data from encoded message
recvd_data = msgpack.unpackb(recvdmsg_encoded, use_list=False)
# check message type
if recvd_data["return_type"] == "ndarray": # numpy.ndarray
# get encoded frame from receiver
recvdframe_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv_multipart(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve frame and put in queue
await self.__queue.put(
# otherwise put data directly in queue
await self.__queue.put(
if recvd_data["return_data"]
else None
# otherwise log received confirmation
recv_confirmation = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv(), timeout=self.__timeout
self.__logging and logger.debug(recv_confirmation)
async def recv_generator(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[Any, NDArray], NDArray]:
A default Asynchronous Frame Generator for NetGear_Async's Receiver-end.
# check whether `receive mode` is activated
if not (self.__receive_mode):
# raise Value error and exit
self.__terminate = True
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: `recv_generator()` function cannot be accessed while `receive_mode` is disabled. Kindly refer vidgear docs!"
# initialize and define messaging socket
self.__msg_socket = self.__msg_context.socket(self.__pattern[1])
# define exclusive socket options for patterns
if self.__msg_pattern == 2:
self.__msg_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"")
# bind socket to the assigned protocol, address and port
self.__protocol + "://" + str(self.__address) + ":" + str(self.__port)
# finally log progress
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Successfully binded to address: {} with pattern: {}.".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
logger.critical("Receive Mode is activated successfully!")
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Failed to bind address: {} and pattern: {}{}!".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
" and Bidirectional Mode enabled" if self.__bi_mode else "",
# loop until terminated
while not self.__terminate:
# get encoded data message from server withing timeout limit
datamsg_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve data from message
data = msgpack.unpackb(datamsg_encoded, use_list=False)
# terminate if exit` flag received from server
if data["terminate"]:
# send confirmation message to server if bidirectional patterns
if self.__msg_pattern < 2:
# create termination confirmation message
return_dict = dict(
terminated="Client-`{}` successfully terminated!".format(
# encode message
retdata_enc = msgpack.packb(return_dict)
# send message back to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(retdata_enc)
self.__logging and
"Termination signal received from server!"
# break loop and terminate
self.__terminate = True
# get encoded frame message from server withing timeout limit
framemsg_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv_multipart(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve frame from message
frame = msgpack.unpackb(
framemsg_encoded[0], use_list=False, object_hook=m.decode
# check if bidirectional patterns
if self.__msg_pattern < 2:
# handle bidirectional data transfer if enabled
if self.__bi_mode and data["bi_mode"]:
# handle empty queue
if not self.__queue.empty():
return_data = await self.__queue.get()
return_data = None
# check if we are returning `ndarray` frames
if not (return_data is None) and isinstance(
return_data, np.ndarray
# check whether the incoming frame is contiguous
if not (return_data.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]):
return_data = np.ascontiguousarray(
return_data, dtype=return_data.dtype
# create return type dict without data
rettype_dict = dict(
return_type=(type(return_data).__name__), return_data=None,
# encode it
rettype_enc = msgpack.packb(rettype_dict)
# send it to server with correct flags
await self.__msg_socket.send(rettype_enc, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
# encode return ndarray data
retframe_enc = msgpack.packb(return_data, default=m.encode)
# send it over network to server
await self.__msg_socket.send_multipart([retframe_enc])
# otherwise create type and data dict
return_dict = dict(
return_data if not (return_data is None) else ""
# encode it
retdata_enc = msgpack.packb(return_dict)
# send it over network to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(retdata_enc)
elif self.__bi_mode or data["bi_mode"]:
# raise error if bidirectional mode is disabled at server or client but not both
raise RuntimeError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Invalid configuration! Bidirectional Mode is not activate on {} end.".format(
"client" if self.__bi_mode else "server"
# otherwise just send confirmation message to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(
"Data received on client: {} !".format(self.__id), "utf-8"
# yield received tuple(data-frame) if bidirectional mode or else just frame
if self.__bi_mode:
yield (data["data"], frame) if data["data"] else (None, frame)
yield frame
# sleep for sometime
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def __frame_generator(self):
Returns a default frame-generator for NetGear_Async's Server Handler.
# start stream
# loop over stream until its terminated
while not self.__terminate:
# read frames
frame =
# break if NoneType
if frame is None:
# yield frame
yield frame
# sleep for sometime
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def transceive_data(self, data: Any = None) -> Any:
Bidirectional Mode exclusive method to Transmit data _(in Receive mode)_ and Receive data _(in Send mode)_.
data (any): inputs data _(of any datatype)_ for sending back to Server.
recvd_data = None
if not self.__terminate:
if self.__bi_mode:
if self.__receive_mode:
await self.__queue.put(data)
if not self.__queue.empty():
recvd_data = await self.__queue.get()
"`transceive_data()` function cannot be used when Bidirectional Mode is disabled."
return recvd_data
async def __terminate_connection(self, disable_confirmation=False):
Internal asyncio method to safely terminate ZMQ connection and queues
disable_confirmation (boolean): Force disable termination confirmation from client in bidirectional patterns.
# log termination
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Terminating various {} Processes. Please wait.".format(
"Receive Mode" if self.__receive_mode else "Send Mode"
# check whether `receive_mode` is enabled or not
if self.__receive_mode:
# indicate that process should be terminated
self.__terminate = True
# indicate that process should be terminated
self.__terminate = True
# terminate stream
if not (self.__stream is None):
# signal `exit` flag for termination!
data_dict = dict(terminate=True)
data_enc = msgpack.packb(data_dict)
await self.__msg_socket.send(data_enc)
# check if bidirectional patterns
if self.__msg_pattern < 2 and not disable_confirmation:
# then receive and log confirmation
recv_confirmation = await self.__msg_socket.recv()
recvd_conf = msgpack.unpackb(recv_confirmation, use_list=False)
self.__logging and "terminated" in recvd_conf and logger.debug(
# close socket
self.__msg_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
# handle asyncio queues in bidirectional mode
if self.__bi_mode:
# empty queue if not
while not self.__queue.empty():
except asyncio.QueueEmpty:
# join queues
await self.__queue.join()
"{} successfully terminated!".format(
"Receive Mode" if self.__receive_mode else "Send Mode"
def close(self, skip_loop: bool = False) -> None:
Terminates all NetGear_Async Asynchronous processes gracefully.
skip_loop (Boolean): (optional)used only if don't want to close eventloop(required in pytest).
# close event loop if specified
if not (skip_loop):
# close connection gracefully
# otherwise create a task
__init__(self, address=None, port=None, protocol='tcp', pattern=0, receive_mode=False, timeout=0.0, enablePiCamera=False, stabilize=False, source=None, camera_num=0, stream_mode=False, backend=0, colorspace=None, resolution=(640, 480), framerate=25, time_delay=0, logging=False, **options)
This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the NetGear_Async class.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
address | str | sets the valid network address of the Server/Client. | None |
port | str | sets the valid Network Port of the Server/Client. | None |
protocol | str | sets the valid messaging protocol between Server/Client. | 'tcp' |
pattern | int | sets the supported messaging pattern(flow of communication) between Server/Client | 0 |
receive_mode | bool | select the NetGear_Async's Mode of operation. | False |
timeout | int/float | controls the maximum waiting time(in sec) after which Client throws | 0.0 |
enablePiCamera | bool | provide access to PiGear(if True) or CamGear(if False) APIs respectively. | False |
stabilize | bool | enable access to Stabilizer Class for stabilizing frames. | False |
camera_num | int | selects the camera module index which will be used as Rpi source. | 0 |
resolution | tuple | sets the resolution (i.e. | (640, 480) |
framerate | int/float | sets the framerate of the Rpi source. | 25 |
source | based on input | defines the source for the input stream. | None |
stream_mode | bool | controls the exclusive YouTube Mode. | False |
backend | int | selects the backend for OpenCV's VideoCapture class. | 0 |
colorspace | str | selects the colorspace of the input stream. | None |
logging | bool | enables/disables logging. | False |
time_delay | int | time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames. | 0 |
options | dict | provides ability to alter Tweak Parameters of NetGear_Async, CamGear, PiGear & Stabilizer. | {} |
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
def __init__(
# NetGear_Async parameters
address: str = None,
port: str = None,
protocol: str = "tcp",
pattern: int = 0,
receive_mode: bool = False,
timeout: Union[int, float] = 0.0,
# Videogear parameters
enablePiCamera: bool = False,
stabilize: bool = False,
source: Any = None,
camera_num: int = 0,
stream_mode: bool = False,
backend: int = 0,
colorspace: str = None,
resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (640, 480),
framerate: Union[int, float] = 25,
time_delay: int = 0,
# common parameters
logging: bool = False,
**options: dict
This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the NetGear_Async class.
address (str): sets the valid network address of the Server/Client.
port (str): sets the valid Network Port of the Server/Client.
protocol (str): sets the valid messaging protocol between Server/Client.
pattern (int): sets the supported messaging pattern(flow of communication) between Server/Client
receive_mode (bool): select the NetGear_Async's Mode of operation.
timeout (int/float): controls the maximum waiting time(in sec) after which Client throws `TimeoutError`.
enablePiCamera (bool): provide access to PiGear(if True) or CamGear(if False) APIs respectively.
stabilize (bool): enable access to Stabilizer Class for stabilizing frames.
camera_num (int): selects the camera module index which will be used as Rpi source.
resolution (tuple): sets the resolution (i.e. `(width,height)`) of the Rpi source.
framerate (int/float): sets the framerate of the Rpi source.
source (based on input): defines the source for the input stream.
stream_mode (bool): controls the exclusive YouTube Mode.
backend (int): selects the backend for OpenCV's VideoCapture class.
colorspace (str): selects the colorspace of the input stream.
logging (bool): enables/disables logging.
time_delay (int): time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames.
options (dict): provides ability to alter Tweak Parameters of NetGear_Async, CamGear, PiGear & Stabilizer.
# enable logging if specified
self.__logging = logging if isinstance(logging, bool) else False
# print current version
# raise error(s) for critical Class imports
"zmq" if zmq is None else "", min_version="4.0", pkg_name="pyzmq"
import_dependency_safe("msgpack" if msgpack is None else "")
import_dependency_safe("msgpack_numpy" if m is None else "")
# define valid messaging patterns => `0`: PAIR, `1`:(REQ, REP), `2`:(SUB, PUB), `3`:(PUSH, PULL)
valid_messaging_patterns = {
0: (zmq.PAIR, zmq.PAIR),
1: (zmq.REQ, zmq.REP),
2: (zmq.PUB, zmq.SUB),
3: (zmq.PUSH, zmq.PULL),
# check whether user-defined messaging pattern is valid
if isinstance(pattern, int) and pattern in valid_messaging_patterns:
# assign value
self.__msg_pattern = pattern
self.__pattern = valid_messaging_patterns[pattern]
# otherwise default to 0:`zmq.PAIR`
self.__msg_pattern = 0
self.__pattern = valid_messaging_patterns[self.__msg_pattern]
self.__logging and logger.warning(
"Invalid pattern {pattern}. Defaulting to `zmq.PAIR`!".format(
# check whether user-defined messaging protocol is valid
if isinstance(protocol, str) and protocol in ["tcp", "ipc"]:
# assign value
self.__protocol = protocol
# else default to `tcp` protocol
self.__protocol = "tcp"
self.__logging and logger.warning("Invalid protocol. Defaulting to `tcp`!")
# initialize Termination flag
self.__terminate = False
# initialize and assign `Receive Mode`
self.__receive_mode = receive_mode
# initialize stream handler
self.__stream = None
# initialize Messaging Socket
self.__msg_socket = None
# initialize NetGear_Async's configuration dictionary
self.config = {}
# asyncio queue handler
self.__queue = None
# define Bidirectional mode
self.__bi_mode = False # handles Bidirectional mode state
# assign timeout for Receiver end
if timeout and isinstance(timeout, (int, float)):
self.__timeout = float(timeout)
self.__timeout = 15.0
# generate 8-digit random system id
self.__id = "".join(
secrets.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(8)
# Handle user-defined options dictionary values
# reformat dictionary
options = {str(k).strip(): v for k, v in options.items()}
# handle bidirectional mode
if "bidirectional_mode" in options:
value = options["bidirectional_mode"]
# also check if pattern and source is valid
if isinstance(value, bool) and pattern < 2 and source is None:
# activate Bidirectional mode if specified
self.__bi_mode = value
# otherwise disable it
self.__bi_mode = False
logger.warning("Bidirectional data transmission is disabled!")
# handle errors and logging
if pattern >= 2:
# raise error
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: `{}` pattern is not valid when Bidirectional Mode is enabled. Kindly refer Docs for more Information!".format(
elif not (source is None):
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Custom source must be used when Bidirectional Mode is enabled. Kindly refer Docs for more Information!".format(
elif isinstance(value, bool) and self.__logging:
# log Bidirectional mode activation
"Bidirectional Data Transmission is {} for this connection!".format(
"enabled" if value else "disabled"
logger.error("`bidirectional_mode` value is invalid!")
# clean
del options["bidirectional_mode"]
# Setup and assign event loop policy
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# On Windows, VidGear requires the ``WindowsSelectorEventLoop``, but Python 3.8 and above,
# defaults to an ``ProactorEventLoop`` loop that is not compatible with it. Thereby,
# we had to set it manually.
if not (uvloop is None):
# Latest uvloop eventloop is only available for UNIX machines.
# log if not present
import_dependency_safe("uvloop", error="log")
# Retrieve event loop and assign it
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
# otherwise create one
logger.critical("No running event loop found. Creating a new one.")
self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# log eventloop for debugging
self.__logging and
"Using ``{}`` event loop for this process.".format(
# define messaging asynchronous Context
self.__msg_context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
# check whether `Receive Mode` is enabled
if receive_mode:
# assign local IP address if None
if address is None:
self.__address = "*" # define address
self.__address = address
# assign default port address if None
if port is None:
self.__port = "5555"
self.__port = port
# Handle video source
if source is None:
self.config = {"generator": None}
self.__logging and logger.warning("Given source is of NoneType!")
# define stream with necessary params
self.__stream = VideoGear(
# define default frame generator in configuration
self.config = {"generator": self.__frame_generator()}
# assign local ip address if None
if address is None:
self.__address = "localhost"
self.__address = address
# assign default port address if None
if port is None:
self.__port = "5555"
self.__port = port
# add server task handler
self.task = None
# create asyncio queue if bidirectional mode activated
self.__queue = asyncio.Queue() if self.__bi_mode else None
close(self, skip_loop=False)
Terminates all NetGear_Async Asynchronous processes gracefully.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
skip_loop | Boolean | (optional)used only if don't want to close eventloop(required in pytest). | False |
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
def close(self, skip_loop: bool = False) -> None:
Terminates all NetGear_Async Asynchronous processes gracefully.
skip_loop (Boolean): (optional)used only if don't want to close eventloop(required in pytest).
# close event loop if specified
if not (skip_loop):
# close connection gracefully
# otherwise create a task
Launches an asynchronous generators and loop executors for respective task.
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
def launch(self) -> T:
Launches an asynchronous generators and loop executors for respective task.
# check if receive mode enabled
if self.__receive_mode:
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Launching NetGear_Async asynchronous generator!"
# run loop executor for Receiver asynchronous generator
self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.recv_generator)
# Otherwise launch Server handler
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Creating NetGear_Async asynchronous server handler!"
# create task for Server Handler
self.task = self.loop.create_task(self.__server_handler())
# return instance
return self
A default Asynchronous Frame Generator for NetGear_Async's Receiver-end.
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
async def recv_generator(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[Any, NDArray], NDArray]:
A default Asynchronous Frame Generator for NetGear_Async's Receiver-end.
# check whether `receive mode` is activated
if not (self.__receive_mode):
# raise Value error and exit
self.__terminate = True
raise ValueError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: `recv_generator()` function cannot be accessed while `receive_mode` is disabled. Kindly refer vidgear docs!"
# initialize and define messaging socket
self.__msg_socket = self.__msg_context.socket(self.__pattern[1])
# define exclusive socket options for patterns
if self.__msg_pattern == 2:
self.__msg_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"")
# bind socket to the assigned protocol, address and port
self.__protocol + "://" + str(self.__address) + ":" + str(self.__port)
# finally log progress
self.__logging and logger.debug(
"Successfully binded to address: {} with pattern: {}.".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
logger.critical("Receive Mode is activated successfully!")
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Failed to bind address: {} and pattern: {}{}!".format(
+ "://"
+ str(self.__address)
+ ":"
+ str(self.__port)
" and Bidirectional Mode enabled" if self.__bi_mode else "",
# loop until terminated
while not self.__terminate:
# get encoded data message from server withing timeout limit
datamsg_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve data from message
data = msgpack.unpackb(datamsg_encoded, use_list=False)
# terminate if exit` flag received from server
if data["terminate"]:
# send confirmation message to server if bidirectional patterns
if self.__msg_pattern < 2:
# create termination confirmation message
return_dict = dict(
terminated="Client-`{}` successfully terminated!".format(
# encode message
retdata_enc = msgpack.packb(return_dict)
# send message back to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(retdata_enc)
self.__logging and
"Termination signal received from server!"
# break loop and terminate
self.__terminate = True
# get encoded frame message from server withing timeout limit
framemsg_encoded = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.__msg_socket.recv_multipart(), timeout=self.__timeout
# retrieve frame from message
frame = msgpack.unpackb(
framemsg_encoded[0], use_list=False, object_hook=m.decode
# check if bidirectional patterns
if self.__msg_pattern < 2:
# handle bidirectional data transfer if enabled
if self.__bi_mode and data["bi_mode"]:
# handle empty queue
if not self.__queue.empty():
return_data = await self.__queue.get()
return_data = None
# check if we are returning `ndarray` frames
if not (return_data is None) and isinstance(
return_data, np.ndarray
# check whether the incoming frame is contiguous
if not (return_data.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]):
return_data = np.ascontiguousarray(
return_data, dtype=return_data.dtype
# create return type dict without data
rettype_dict = dict(
return_type=(type(return_data).__name__), return_data=None,
# encode it
rettype_enc = msgpack.packb(rettype_dict)
# send it to server with correct flags
await self.__msg_socket.send(rettype_enc, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
# encode return ndarray data
retframe_enc = msgpack.packb(return_data, default=m.encode)
# send it over network to server
await self.__msg_socket.send_multipart([retframe_enc])
# otherwise create type and data dict
return_dict = dict(
return_data if not (return_data is None) else ""
# encode it
retdata_enc = msgpack.packb(return_dict)
# send it over network to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(retdata_enc)
elif self.__bi_mode or data["bi_mode"]:
# raise error if bidirectional mode is disabled at server or client but not both
raise RuntimeError(
"[NetGear_Async:ERROR] :: Invalid configuration! Bidirectional Mode is not activate on {} end.".format(
"client" if self.__bi_mode else "server"
# otherwise just send confirmation message to server
await self.__msg_socket.send(
"Data received on client: {} !".format(self.__id), "utf-8"
# yield received tuple(data-frame) if bidirectional mode or else just frame
if self.__bi_mode:
yield (data["data"], frame) if data["data"] else (None, frame)
yield frame
# sleep for sometime
await asyncio.sleep(0)
transceive_data(self, data=None)
Bidirectional Mode exclusive method to Transmit data (in Receive mode) and Receive data (in Send mode).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data | any | inputs data (of any datatype) for sending back to Server. | None |
Source code in vidgear/gears/asyncio/
async def transceive_data(self, data: Any = None) -> Any:
Bidirectional Mode exclusive method to Transmit data _(in Receive mode)_ and Receive data _(in Send mode)_.
data (any): inputs data _(of any datatype)_ for sending back to Server.
recvd_data = None
if not self.__terminate:
if self.__bi_mode:
if self.__receive_mode:
await self.__queue.put(data)
if not self.__queue.empty():
recvd_data = await self.__queue.get()
"`transceive_data()` function cannot be used when Bidirectional Mode is disabled."
return recvd_data