Using WebGear_RTC with RaspberryPi Camera Module¶
Because of WebGear_RTC API's flexible internal wapper around VideoGear, it can easily access any parameter of CamGear and PiGear videocapture APIs.
Following usage examples are just an idea of what can be done with WebGear_RTC API, you can try various VideoGear, CamGear and PiGear parameters directly in WebGear_RTC API in the similar manner.
Here's a bare-minimum example of using WebGear_RTC API with the Raspberry Pi camera module while tweaking its various properties in just one-liner:
Backend PiGear API now fully supports the newer picamera2 python library under the hood for Raspberry Pi camera modules. Follow this guide ➶ for its installation.
# import libsimportuvicornfromlibcameraimportTransformfromvidgear.gears.asyncioimportWebGear_RTC# various WebGear_RTC performance # and Picamera2 API tweaksoptions={"frame_size_reduction":25,"queue":True,"buffer_count":4,"controls":{"Brightness":0.5,"ExposureValue":2.0},"transform":Transform(hflip=1),"auto_align_output_config":True,# auto-align camera configuration}# initialize WebGear appweb=WebGear_RTC(enablePiCamera=True,resolution=(640,480),framerate=60,logging=True,**options)# run this app on Uvicorn server at address http://localhost:8000/,host="localhost",port=8000)# close app safelyweb.shutdown()
Under the hood, Backend PiGear API (version 0.3.3 onwards) prioritizes the new picamera2 API backend.
However, the API seamlessly switches to the legacy picamera backend, if the picamera2 library is unavailable or not installed.
It is advised to enable logging(logging=True) to see which backend is being used.
The picamera library is built on the legacy camera stack that is NOT (and never has been) supported on 64-bit OS builds.
You could also enforce the legacy picamera API backend in PiGear by using the enforce_legacy_picamera user-defined optional parameter boolean attribute.
# import libsimportuvicornfromvidgear.gears.asyncioimportWebGear_RTC# various WebGear_RTC performance and Picamera API tweaksoptions={"frame_size_reduction":25,"hflip":True,"exposure_mode":"auto","iso":800,"exposure_compensation":15,"awb_mode":"horizon","sensor_mode":0,}# initialize WebGear appweb=WebGear_RTC(enablePiCamera=True,resolution=(640,480),framerate=60,logging=True,**options)# run this app on Uvicorn server at address http://localhost:8000/,host="localhost",port=8000)# close app safelyweb.shutdown()
Using WebGear_RTC with real-time Video Stabilization enabled¶
Here's an example of using WebGear_RTC API with real-time Video Stabilization enabled:
# import libsimportuvicornfromvidgear.gears.asyncioimportWebGear_RTC# various webgear_rtc performance tweaksoptions={"frame_size_reduction":25,}# initialize WebGear_RTC app with a raw source and enable video stabilization(`stabilize=True`)web=WebGear_RTC(source="foo.mp4",stabilize=True,logging=True,**options)# run this app on Uvicorn server at address http://localhost:8000/,host="localhost",port=8000)# close app safelyweb.shutdown()
Display Two Sources Simultaneously in WebGear_RTC¶
In this example, we'll be displaying two video feeds side-by-side simultaneously on browser using WebGear_RTC API by simply concatenating frames in real-time:
# import necessary libsimportuvicorn,cv2importnumpyasnpfromvidgear.gears.helperimportreducerfromvidgear.gears.asyncioimportWebGear_RTC# initialize WebGear_RTC app without any sourceweb=WebGear_RTC(logging=True)# frame concatenatordefget_conc_frame(frame1,frame2):h1,w1=frame1.shape[:2]h2,w2=frame2.shape[:2]# create empty matrixvis=np.zeros((max(h1,h2),w1+w2,3),np.uint8)# combine 2 framesvis[:h1,:w1,:3]=frame1vis[:h2,w1:w1+w2,:3]=frame2returnvis# create your own custom streaming classclassCustom_Stream_Class:""" Custom Streaming using two OpenCV sources """def__init__(self,source1=None,source2=None):# !!! define your own video source here !!!# check is source are providedifsource1isNoneorsource2isNone:raiseValueError("Provide both source")# initialize global params# define both source hereself.stream1=cv2.VideoCapture(source1)self.stream2=cv2.VideoCapture(source2)# define running flagself.running=Truedefread(self):# don't forget this function!!!# check if sources were initialized or notifself.stream1isNoneorself.stream2isNone:returnNone# check if we're still runningifself.running:# read video frame(grabbed1,frame1),frame2) if NoneTypeifnotgrabbed1ornotgrabbed2:# do something with your OpenCV frame here# concatenate frameframe=get_conc_frame(frame1,frame2)# reducer frames size if you want more performance otherwise comment this line# frame = await reducer(frame, percentage=30) # reduce frame by 30%# return our gray framereturnframeelse:# signal we're not running nowself.running=False# return None-typereturnNonedefstop(self):# don't forget this function!!!# flag that we're not runningself.running=False# close streamifnot(self.stream1isNone):self.stream1.release()self.stream1=Noneifnot(self.stream2isNone):self.stream2.release()self.stream2=None# assign your Custom Streaming Class with adequate two sources# to `custom_stream` attribute in options parameteroptions={"custom_stream":Custom_Stream_Class(source1="foo1.mp4",source2="foo2.mp4")}# initialize WebGear_RTC app without any sourceweb=WebGear_RTC(logging=True,**options)# run this app on Uvicorn server at address http://localhost:8000/,host="localhost",port=8000)# close app safelyweb.shutdown()
On successfully running this code, the output stream will be displayed at address http://localhost:8000/ in Browser.