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PiGear API

PiGear API usage examples can be found here ➶

PiGear API parameters are explained here ➶

PiGear is similar to CamGear API but exclusively made to support various Raspberry Pi Camera Modules (such as OmniVision OV5647 Camera Module and Sony IMX219 Camera Module). PiGear provides a flexible multi-threaded framework around complete picamera python library, and provide us the ability to exploit almost all of its parameters like brightness, saturation, sensor_mode, iso, exposure, etc. effortlessly. Furthermore, PiGear also supports multiple camera modules, such as in the case of Raspberry-Pi Compute Module IO boards.

Best of all, PiGear contains Threaded Internal Timer - that silently keeps active track of any frozen-threads/hardware-failures and exit safely, if any does occur. That means that if you're running PiGear API in your script and someone accidentally pulls the Camera-Module cable out, instead of going into possible kernel panic, API will exit safely to save resources.

Make sure to enable Raspberry Pi hardware-specific settings prior using this API, otherwise nothing will work.

Source code in vidgear/gears/
class PiGear:
    PiGear is similar to CamGear API but exclusively made to support various Raspberry Pi Camera Modules (such as OmniVision OV5647 Camera Module and Sony IMX219 Camera Module).
    PiGear provides a flexible multi-threaded framework around complete picamera python library, and provide us the ability to exploit almost all of its parameters like brightness,
    saturation, sensor_mode, iso, exposure, etc. effortlessly. Furthermore, PiGear also supports multiple camera modules, such as in the case of Raspberry-Pi Compute Module IO boards.

    Best of all, PiGear contains Threaded Internal Timer - that silently keeps active track of any frozen-threads/hardware-failures and exit safely, if any does occur. That means that
    if you're running PiGear API in your script and someone accidentally pulls the Camera-Module cable out, instead of going into possible kernel panic, API will exit safely to save resources.

    !!! warning "Make sure to enable [Raspberry Pi hardware-specific settings]( prior using this API, otherwise nothing will work."

    def __init__(
        resolution=(640, 480),
        This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the PiGear class.

            camera_num (int): selects the camera module index which will be used as source.
            resolution (tuple): sets the resolution (i.e. `(width,height)`) of the source..
            framerate (int/float): sets the framerate of the source.
            colorspace (str): selects the colorspace of the input stream.
            logging (bool): enables/disables logging.
            time_delay (int): time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames.
            options (dict): provides ability to alter Source Tweak Parameters.
        # raise error(s) for critical Class imports
            "picamera" if picamera is None else "",

        # enable logging if specified
        self.__logging = False
        if logging:
            self.__logging = logging

        assert (
            isinstance(framerate, (int, float)) and framerate > 5.0
        ), "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Input framerate value `{}` is a Invalid! Kindly read docs.".format(
        assert (
            isinstance(resolution, (tuple, list)) and len(resolution) == 2
        ), "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Input resolution value `{}` is a Invalid! Kindly read docs.".format(
        if not (isinstance(camera_num, int) and camera_num >= 0):
            camera_num = 0
                "Input camera_num value `{}` is invalid, Defaulting to index 0!"

        # initialize the picamera stream at given index
        self.__camera = PiCamera(camera_num=camera_num)
        self.__camera.resolution = tuple(resolution)
        self.__camera.framerate = framerate
        self.__logging and logger.debug(
            "Activating Pi camera at index: {} with resolution: {} & framerate: {}".format(
                camera_num, resolution, framerate

        # initialize framerate variable
        self.framerate = framerate

        # initializing colorspace variable
        self.color_space = None

        # reformat dict
        options = {str(k).strip(): v for k, v in options.items()}

        # define timeout variable default value(handles hardware failures)
        self.__failure_timeout = options.pop("HWFAILURE_TIMEOUT", 2.0)
        if isinstance(self.__failure_timeout, (int, float)):
            if not (10.0 > self.__failure_timeout > 1.0):
                raise ValueError(
                    "[PiGear:ERROR] :: `HWFAILURE_TIMEOUT` value can only be between 1.0 ~ 10.0"
            self.__logging and logger.debug(
                "Setting HW Failure Timeout: {} seconds".format(self.__failure_timeout)
            # reset improper values
            self.__failure_timeout = 2.0

            # apply attributes to source if specified
            for key, value in options.items():
                self.__logging and logger.debug(
                    "Setting Parameter: {} = '{}'".format(key, value)
                setattr(self.__camera, key, value)
        except Exception as e:
            # Catch if any error occurred

        # separately handle colorspace value to int conversion
        if not (colorspace is None):
            self.color_space = capPropId(colorspace.strip())
            if self.__logging and not (self.color_space is None):
                    "Enabling `{}` colorspace for this video stream!".format(

        # enable rgb capture array thread and capture stream
        self.__rawCapture = PiRGBArray(self.__camera, size=resolution) = self.__camera.capture_continuous(
            self.__rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True

        # frame variable initialization
        self.frame = None
            stream = next(
            self.frame = stream.array
            # render colorspace if defined
            if not (self.frame is None) and not (self.color_space is None):
                self.frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, self.color_space)
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError("[PiGear:ERROR] :: Camera Module failed to initialize!")

        # applying time delay to warm-up picamera only if specified
        if time_delay and isinstance(time_delay, (int, float)):

        # thread initialization
        self.__thread = None

        # timer thread initialization(Keeps check on frozen thread)
        self.__timer = None
        self.__t_elasped = 0.0  # records time taken by thread

        # catching thread exceptions
        self.__exceptions = None

        # initialize termination flag
        self.__terminate = False

    def start(self):
        Launches the internal *Threaded Frames Extractor* daemon

        **Returns:** A reference to the CamGear class object.

        # Start frame producer thread
        self.__thread = Thread(target=self.__update, name="PiGear", args=())
        self.__thread.daemon = True

        # Start internal timer thread
        self.__timer = Thread(target=self.__timeit, name="PiTimer", args=())
        self.__timer.daemon = True

        return self

    def __timeit(self):
        Threaded Internal Timer that keep checks on thread excecution timing

        # assign current time
        self.__t_elasped = time.time()

        # loop until termainated
        while not (self.__terminate):
            # check for frozen thread
            if time.time() - self.__t_elasped > self.__failure_timeout:
                # log failure
                self.__logging and logger.critical("Camera Module Disconnected!")
                # prepare for clean exit
                self.__exceptions = True
                self.__terminate = True  # self-terminate

    def __update(self):
        A **Threaded Frames Extractor**, that keep iterating frames from PiCamera API to a internal monitored deque,
        until the thread is terminated, or frames runs out.
        # keep looping infinitely until the thread is terminated
        while not (self.__terminate):

                # Try to iterate next frame from generator
                stream = next(
            except Exception:
                # catch and save any exceptions
                self.__exceptions = sys.exc_info()
                break  # exit

            # __update timer
            self.__t_elasped = time.time()

            # grab the frame from the stream and clear the stream in
            # preparation for the next frame
            frame = stream.array

            # apply colorspace if specified
            if not (self.color_space is None):
                # apply colorspace to frames
                color_frame = None
                    if isinstance(self.color_space, int):
                        color_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, self.color_space)
                        self.__logging and logger.warning(
                            "Global color_space parameter value `{}` is not a valid!".format(
                        self.color_space = None
                except Exception as e:
                    # Catch if any error occurred
                    self.color_space = None
                    if self.__logging:
                        logger.warning("Input colorspace is not a valid colorspace!")

                if not (color_frame is None):
                    self.frame = color_frame
                    self.frame = frame
                self.frame = frame

        # terminate processes
        if not (self.__terminate):
            self.__terminate = True

        # release picamera resources

    def read(self):
        Extracts frames synchronously from monitored deque, while maintaining a fixed-length frame buffer in the memory,
        and blocks the thread if the deque is full.

        **Returns:** A n-dimensional numpy array.
        # check if there are any thread exceptions
        if not (self.__exceptions is None):
            if isinstance(self.__exceptions, bool):
                # clear frame
                self.frame = None
                # notify user about hardware failure
                raise SystemError(
                    "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Hardware failure occurred, Kindly reconnect Camera Module and restart your Pi!"
                # clear frame
                self.frame = None
                # re-raise error for debugging
                error_msg = (
                    "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Camera Module API failure occured: {}".format(
                raise RuntimeError(error_msg).with_traceback(self.__exceptions[2])

        # return the frame
        return self.frame

    def stop(self):
        Safely terminates the thread, and release the VideoStream resources.
        self.__logging and logger.debug("Terminating PiGear Processes.")

        # make sure that the threads should be terminated
        self.__terminate = True

        # stop timer thread
        if not (self.__timer is None):
            self.__timer = None

        # handle camera thread
        if not (self.__thread is None):
            # check if hardware failure occured
            if not (self.__exceptions is None) and isinstance(self.__exceptions, bool):
                # force release picamera resources
            # properly handle thread exit
            self.__thread.join()  # wait if still process is still processing some information
            # remove any threads
            self.__thread = None

__init__(self, camera_num=0, resolution=(640, 480), framerate=30, colorspace=None, logging=False, time_delay=0, **options) special

This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the PiGear class.


Name Type Description Default
camera_num int

selects the camera module index which will be used as source.

resolution tuple

sets the resolution (i.e. (width,height)) of the source..

(640, 480)
framerate int/float

sets the framerate of the source.

colorspace str

selects the colorspace of the input stream.

logging bool

enables/disables logging.

time_delay int

time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames.

options dict

provides ability to alter Source Tweak Parameters.

Source code in vidgear/gears/
def __init__(
    resolution=(640, 480),
    This constructor method initializes the object state and attributes of the PiGear class.

        camera_num (int): selects the camera module index which will be used as source.
        resolution (tuple): sets the resolution (i.e. `(width,height)`) of the source..
        framerate (int/float): sets the framerate of the source.
        colorspace (str): selects the colorspace of the input stream.
        logging (bool): enables/disables logging.
        time_delay (int): time delay (in sec) before start reading the frames.
        options (dict): provides ability to alter Source Tweak Parameters.
    # raise error(s) for critical Class imports
        "picamera" if picamera is None else "",

    # enable logging if specified
    self.__logging = False
    if logging:
        self.__logging = logging

    assert (
        isinstance(framerate, (int, float)) and framerate > 5.0
    ), "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Input framerate value `{}` is a Invalid! Kindly read docs.".format(
    assert (
        isinstance(resolution, (tuple, list)) and len(resolution) == 2
    ), "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Input resolution value `{}` is a Invalid! Kindly read docs.".format(
    if not (isinstance(camera_num, int) and camera_num >= 0):
        camera_num = 0
            "Input camera_num value `{}` is invalid, Defaulting to index 0!"

    # initialize the picamera stream at given index
    self.__camera = PiCamera(camera_num=camera_num)
    self.__camera.resolution = tuple(resolution)
    self.__camera.framerate = framerate
    self.__logging and logger.debug(
        "Activating Pi camera at index: {} with resolution: {} & framerate: {}".format(
            camera_num, resolution, framerate

    # initialize framerate variable
    self.framerate = framerate

    # initializing colorspace variable
    self.color_space = None

    # reformat dict
    options = {str(k).strip(): v for k, v in options.items()}

    # define timeout variable default value(handles hardware failures)
    self.__failure_timeout = options.pop("HWFAILURE_TIMEOUT", 2.0)
    if isinstance(self.__failure_timeout, (int, float)):
        if not (10.0 > self.__failure_timeout > 1.0):
            raise ValueError(
                "[PiGear:ERROR] :: `HWFAILURE_TIMEOUT` value can only be between 1.0 ~ 10.0"
        self.__logging and logger.debug(
            "Setting HW Failure Timeout: {} seconds".format(self.__failure_timeout)
        # reset improper values
        self.__failure_timeout = 2.0

        # apply attributes to source if specified
        for key, value in options.items():
            self.__logging and logger.debug(
                "Setting Parameter: {} = '{}'".format(key, value)
            setattr(self.__camera, key, value)
    except Exception as e:
        # Catch if any error occurred

    # separately handle colorspace value to int conversion
    if not (colorspace is None):
        self.color_space = capPropId(colorspace.strip())
        if self.__logging and not (self.color_space is None):
                "Enabling `{}` colorspace for this video stream!".format(

    # enable rgb capture array thread and capture stream
    self.__rawCapture = PiRGBArray(self.__camera, size=resolution) = self.__camera.capture_continuous(
        self.__rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True

    # frame variable initialization
    self.frame = None
        stream = next(
        self.frame = stream.array
        # render colorspace if defined
        if not (self.frame is None) and not (self.color_space is None):
            self.frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, self.color_space)
    except Exception as e:
        raise RuntimeError("[PiGear:ERROR] :: Camera Module failed to initialize!")

    # applying time delay to warm-up picamera only if specified
    if time_delay and isinstance(time_delay, (int, float)):

    # thread initialization
    self.__thread = None

    # timer thread initialization(Keeps check on frozen thread)
    self.__timer = None
    self.__t_elasped = 0.0  # records time taken by thread

    # catching thread exceptions
    self.__exceptions = None

    # initialize termination flag
    self.__terminate = False


Extracts frames synchronously from monitored deque, while maintaining a fixed-length frame buffer in the memory, and blocks the thread if the deque is full.

Returns: A n-dimensional numpy array.

Source code in vidgear/gears/
def read(self):
    Extracts frames synchronously from monitored deque, while maintaining a fixed-length frame buffer in the memory,
    and blocks the thread if the deque is full.

    **Returns:** A n-dimensional numpy array.
    # check if there are any thread exceptions
    if not (self.__exceptions is None):
        if isinstance(self.__exceptions, bool):
            # clear frame
            self.frame = None
            # notify user about hardware failure
            raise SystemError(
                "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Hardware failure occurred, Kindly reconnect Camera Module and restart your Pi!"
            # clear frame
            self.frame = None
            # re-raise error for debugging
            error_msg = (
                "[PiGear:ERROR] :: Camera Module API failure occured: {}".format(
            raise RuntimeError(error_msg).with_traceback(self.__exceptions[2])

    # return the frame
    return self.frame


Launches the internal Threaded Frames Extractor daemon

Returns: A reference to the CamGear class object.

Source code in vidgear/gears/
def start(self):
    Launches the internal *Threaded Frames Extractor* daemon

    **Returns:** A reference to the CamGear class object.

    # Start frame producer thread
    self.__thread = Thread(target=self.__update, name="PiGear", args=())
    self.__thread.daemon = True

    # Start internal timer thread
    self.__timer = Thread(target=self.__timeit, name="PiTimer", args=())
    self.__timer.daemon = True

    return self


Safely terminates the thread, and release the VideoStream resources.

Source code in vidgear/gears/
def stop(self):
    Safely terminates the thread, and release the VideoStream resources.
    self.__logging and logger.debug("Terminating PiGear Processes.")

    # make sure that the threads should be terminated
    self.__terminate = True

    # stop timer thread
    if not (self.__timer is None):
        self.__timer = None

    # handle camera thread
    if not (self.__thread is None):
        # check if hardware failure occured
        if not (self.__exceptions is None) and isinstance(self.__exceptions, bool):
            # force release picamera resources
        # properly handle thread exit
        self.__thread.join()  # wait if still process is still processing some information
        # remove any threads
        self.__thread = None


Last update: August 11, 2021