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StreamGear API: Real-time Frames Mode

Real-time Frames Mode Flow Diagram
Real-time Frames Mode generalized workflow


When no valid input is received on -video_source attribute of stream_params dictionary parameter, StreamGear API activates this mode where it directly transcodes real-time numpy.ndarray video-frames (as opposed to a entire video file) into a sequence of multiple smaller chunks/segments for adaptive streaming.

This mode works exceptionally well when you desire to flexibility manipulate or transform video-frames in real-time before sending them onto FFmpeg Pipeline for processing. But on the downside, StreamGear DOES NOT automatically maps video-source's audio to generated streams with this mode. You need to manually assign separate audio-source through -audio attribute of stream_params dictionary parameter.

SteamGear supports both MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, ISO/IEC 23009-1) and Apple HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) with this mode.

For this mode, StreamGear API provides exclusive stream() method for directly trancoding video-frames into streamable chunks.

New in v0.2.2

Apple HLS support was added in v0.2.2.

Real-time Frames Mode is NOT Live-Streaming.

Rather, you can easily enable live-streaming in Real-time Frames Mode by using StreamGear API's exclusive -livestream attribute of stream_params dictionary parameter. Checkout its usage example here.


  • Using transcode_source() function instead of stream() in Real-time Frames Mode will instantly result in RuntimeError!

  • NEVER assign anything to -video_source attribute of stream_params dictionary parameter, otherwise Single-Source Mode may get activated, and as a result, using stream() function will throw RuntimeError!

  • You MUST use -input_framerate attribute to set exact value of input framerate when using external audio in this mode, otherwise audio delay will occur in output streams.

  • Input framerate defaults to 25.0 fps if -input_framerate attribute value not defined.

Usage Examples

After going through StreamGear Usage Examples, Checkout more of its advanced configurations here ➶




Last update: June 27, 2022