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FFmpeg Installation Instructions


WriteGear must requires FFmpeg executables for its Compression capabilities in Compression Mode. You can following machine-specific instructions for its installation:

In case WriteGear API fails to detect valid FFmpeg executables on your system (even if Compression Mode is enabled), it automatically fallbacks to Non-Compression Mode.



Linux FFmpeg Installation

The WriteGear API supports Auto-Detection and Manual Configuration methods on a Linux machine:

A. Auto-Detection

This is a recommended approach on Linux Machines

If WriteGear API not receives any input from the user on custom_ffmpeg parameter, then on Linux system, it tries to auto-detects the required FFmpeg installed binaries through validation test that employs subprocess python module.

Installation: You can install easily install official FFmpeg according to your Linux Distro by following this post ➶

B. Manual Configuration

  • Download: You can also manually download the latest Linux Static Binaries(based on your machine arch(x86/x64)) from the link below:

    Linux Static Binaries:

  • Assignment: Then, you can easily assign the custom path to the folder containing FFmpeg executables(for e.g 'ffmpeg/bin') or path of ffmpeg executable itself to the custom_ffmpeg parameter in the WriteGear API.

    If binaries were not found at the manually specified path, WriteGear API will disable the Compression Mode!



Windows FFmpeg Installation

The WriteGear API supports Auto-Installation and Manual Configuration methods on Windows systems.

A. Auto-Installation

This is a recommended approach on Windows Machines

If WriteGear API not receives any input from the user on custom_ffmpeg parameter, then on Windows system WriteGear API auto-generates the required FFmpeg Static Binaries from a dedicated Github Server into the temporary directory (for e.g. C:\Temp) of your machine.


  • The files downloaded to temporary directory (for e.g. C:\TEMP), may get erased if your machine shutdowns/restarts.

  • You can also provide a custom save path for auto-downloading FFmpeg Static Binaries through -ffmpeg_download_path parameter.

  • If binaries were found at the specified path, WriteGear automatically skips the auto-installation step.

  • If the required FFmpeg static binary fails to download, or extract, or validate during auto-installation, then, WriteGear API will auto-disable the Compression Mode and switches to Non-Compression Mode!

B. Manual Configuration

  • Download: You can also manually download the latest Windows Static Binaries(based on your machine arch(x86/x64)) from the link below:

    Windows Static Binaries:

  • Assignment: Then, you can easily assign the custom path to the folder containing FFmpeg executables(for e.g 'C:/foo/Downloads/ffmpeg/bin') or path of ffmpeg.exe executable itself to the custom_ffmpeg parameter in the WriteGear API.

    If binaries were not found at the manually specified path, WriteGear API will disable the Compression Mode!



MacOS FFmpeg Installation

The WriteGear API supports Auto-Detection and Manual Configuration methods on a macOS machine.

A. Auto-Detection

This is a recommended approach on MacOS Machines

If WriteGear API not receives any input from the user on custom_ffmpeg parameter, then on macOS system, it tries to auto-detects the required FFmpeg installed binaries through validation test that employs subprocess python module.

Installation: You can easily install FFmpeg on your macOS machine by following this tutorial ➶

B. Manual Configuration

  • Download: You can also manually download the latest macOS Static Binaries(only x64 Binaries) from the link below:

    MacOS Static Binaries:

  • Assignment: Then, you can easily assign the custom path to the folder containing FFmpeg executables(for e.g 'ffmpeg/bin') or path of ffmpeg executable itself to the custom_ffmpeg parameter in the WriteGear API.

    If binaries were not found at the manually specified path, WriteGear API will disable the Compression Mode!


Last update: February 11, 2022